
[gpadmin@sachi gpAdminLogs]$ gpcrondump --help

COMMAND NAME: gpcrondump

A wrapper utility for gp_dump, which can be called directly or from a crontab entry.




gpcrondump -x <database_name> 

     [-s <schema> | -t <schema>.<table> | -T <schema>.<table>] 

     [--table-file="<filename>" | --exclude-table-file="<filename>"] 

     [-u <backup_directory>] [-R <post_dump_script>] 

     [-c] [-z] [-r] [-f <free_space_percent>] [-b] [-h] [-j | -k] 

     [-g] [-G] [-C] [-d <master_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 

     [-a] [-q] [-y <reportfile>] [-l <logfile_directory>] [-v]

     { [-E <encoding>] [--inserts | --column-inserts] [--oids] 

       [--no-owner | --use-set-session-authorization] 

       [--no-privileges] [--rsyncable] [--ddboost] }


gpcrondump --ddboost-host <ddboost_hostname> --ddboost-user <ddboost_user>

gpcrondump --ddboost-config-remove

gpcrondump -o

gpcrondump -? 

gpcrondump --version




gpcrondump is a wrapper utility for gp_dump. By default, dump files are created in their respective master and segment data directories in a directory named db_dumps/YYYYMMDD. The data dump files are compressed by default using gzip.

gpcrondump allows you to schedule routine backups of a Greenplum database using cron (a scheduling utility for UNIX operating systems). Cron jobs that call gpcrondump should be scheduled on the master host.

gpcrondump is used to schedule Data Domain Boost backup and restore operations. gpcrondump is also used to set or remove one-time credentials for Data Domain Boost.


Return Codes


The following is a list of the codes that gpcrondump returns.

   0 - Dump completed with no problems

   1 - Dump completed, but one or more warnings were generated

   2 - Dump failed with a fatal error




To have gpcrondump send out status email notifications, you must place a file named mail_contacts in the home directory of the Greenplum superuser (gpadmin) or in the same directory as the gpcrondump utility ($GPHOME/bin). This file should contain one email address per line. gpcrondump will issue a warning if it cannot locate a mail_contacts file in either location. If both locations have a mail_contacts file, then the one in $HOME takes precedence.




-a (do not prompt)

 Do not prompt the user for confirmation.

-b (bypass disk space check)

 Bypass disk space check. The default is to check for available disk space.

Note: Bypassing the disk space check generates a warning message.  With a warning message, the return code for gpcrondump is 1 if the  dump is successful. (If the dump fails, the return code is 2, in all cases.)

-B <parallel_processes>

 The number of segments to check in parallel for pre/post-dump validation.  If not specified, the utility will start up to 60 parallel processes  depending on how many segment instances it needs to dump.

-c (clear old dump files first)

 Clear out old dump files before doing the dump. The default is not to  clear out old dump files. This will remove all old dump directories in  the db_dumps directory, except for the dump directory of the current date.

-C (clean old catalog dumps)

 Clean out old catalog schema dump files prior to create.


 Dump data as INSERT commands with column names.

-d <master_data_directory>

 The master host data directory. If not specified, the value  set for $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.


 Use Data Domain Boost for this backup. Before using  Data Domain Boost, set up the Data Domain Boost credential,  as described in the next option below. 

 The following option is recommended if --ddboost is specified.

* -z option (uncompressed)

Backup compression (turned on by default) should be turned off  with the -z option. Data Domain Boost will deduplicate and compress the backup data before sending it to the Data Domain System. When running a mixed backup that backs up to both a local disk and to Data Domain, use the -u option to specify that the backup to the local disk does not use the default directory. 


The -f, -G, -g, -R, and -u options change if  --ddboost is specified. See the options for details.

Important: Never use the Greenplum Database default backup  options with Data Domain Boost.  

To maximize Data Domain deduplication benefits, retain at least 30 days of backups.

--ddboost-host <ddboost_hostname> --ddboost-user <ddboost_user>

Sets the Data Domain Boost credentials. Do not combine this options with any other gpcrondump options. Do not enter just part of this option. 

<ddboost_hostname> is the IP address of the host. There is a 30-character limit.

<ddboost_user> is the Data Domain Boost user name. There is a 30-character limit.


gpcrondump --ddboost-host --ddboost-user ddboostusername

After running gpcrondump with these options, the system verfies the limits on the host and user names and prompts for the Data Domain Boost password. 

Enter the password when prompted; the password is not echoed on the screen. There is a 40-character limit on the password that can include lowercase 

letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and special characters ($, %, #, +, etc.).

The system verifies the password. After the password is verified, the system creates a file .ddconfig and copies it to all segments.

Note: If there is more than one operating system user using Data Domain Boost for backup and restore operations, repeat this configuration process for each of those users.

Important: Set up the Data Domain Boost credential before running any Data Domain Boost backups with the --ddboost option, described above.


Removes all Data Domain Boost credentials from the master and all segments on the system. Do not enter this option with any other gpcrondump option.

-E encoding

 Character set encoding of dumped data. Defaults to the encoding of 

 the database being dumped.

-f <free_space_percent>

 When doing the check to ensure that there is enough free disk space to  create the dump files, specifies a percentage of free disk space that  should remain after the dump completes. The default is 10 percent.

 -f is not supported if --ddboost is specified.

-g (copy config files)

 Secure a copy of the master and segment configuration files  postgresql.conf, pg_ident.conf, and pg_hba.conf. These  configuration files are dumped in the master or segment data  directory to db_dumps/YYYYMMDD/config_files_<timestamp>.tar

 If --ddboost is specified, the files are located in the  db_dumps directory on the default storage unit. 

-G (dump global objects)

Use pg_dumpall to dump global objects such as roles and tablespaces. Global objects are dumped in the master data directory to 


 If --ddboost is specified, the files are located in the db_dumps directory on the default storage unit. 

-h (record dump details)

Record details of database dump in database table  public.gpcrondump_history in database supplied via  -x option. Utility will create table if it does not  currently exist.


 Dump data as INSERT, rather than COPY commands.

-j (vacuum before dump)

 Run VACUUM before the dump starts.

-k (vacuum after dump)

 Run VACUUM after the dump has completed successfully.

-l <logfile_directory>

 The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.


Do not output commands to set object ownership.


Do not output commands to set object privileges (GRANT/REVOKE commands).

-o (clear old dump files only)

Clear out old dump files only, but do not run a dump. This will remove  the oldest dump directory except the current date's dump directory.  All dump sets within that directory will be removed.  If --ddboost is specified, only the old files on DD Boost are deleted.


Include object identifiers (oid) in dump data.

-q (no screen output)

 Run in quiet mode. Command output is not displayed on the screen, but is still written to the log file.

-r (rollback on failure)

Rollback the dump files (delete a partial dump) if a failure is detected. The default is to not rollback.

 -r is not supported if --ddboost is specified.

-R <post_dump_script>

 The absolute path of a script to run after a successful dump operation.  For example, you might want a script that moves completed dump files  to a backup host. This script must reside in the same location on  the master and all segment hosts.


Passes the --rsyncable flag to the gpzip utility to synchronize  the output occasionally, based on the input during compression. This synchronization increases the file size by less than 1% in  most cases. When this flag is passed, the rsync(1) program can  synchronize compressed files much more efficiently. The gunzip

utility cannot differentiate between a compressed file created  with this option, and one created without it.  

-s <schema_name>

 Dump only the named schema in the named database.

-t <schema>.<table_name>

 Dump only the named table in this database.  The -t option can be specified multiple times.

-T <schema>.<table_name>

 A table name to exclude from the database dump. The -T option can be specified multiple times.


Exclude all tables listed in <filename> from the database dump. The file <filename> contains any number of tables, listed one per line.


Dump only the tables listed in <filename>. The file <filename> contains any number of tables, listed one per line.

-u <backup_directory>

 Specifies the absolute path where the backup files will be placed on each host. If the path does not exist, it will be created, if possible. If not specified, defaults to the data directory of each instance to be backed up. Using this option may be desirable if each segment host has multiple segment instances as it will create the dump files in a centralized location rather than the segment data directories.

 -u is not supported if --ddboost is specified.


 Use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead of ALTER OWNER commands to set object ownership.

-v | --verbose

 Specifies verbose mode.

--version (show utility version)

 Displays the version of this utility.

-x <database_name>

Required. The name of the Greenplum database to dump. Multiple databases can be specified in a comma-separated list.

-y <reportfile>

 Specifies the full path name where the backup job log file will be placed on the master host. If not specified, defaults to the master data directory or if running remotely, the current working directory.

-z (no compression)

 Do not use compression. Default is to compress the dump files using gzip.

 We recommend using this option for NFS and Data Dommain Boost backups.

-? (help)

 Displays the online help.




Call gpcrondump directly and dump mydatabase (and global objects):

 gpcrondump -x mydatabase -c -g -G

A crontab entry that runs a backup of the sales database (and global objects) nightly at one past midnight:

  01 0 * * * /home/gpadmin/ >> gpdump.log

The content of dump script is:


export GPHOME=/usr/local/greenplum-db

export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/gpdb_p1/gp-1

. $GPHOME/  

gpcrondump -x sales -c -g -G -a -q 




gp_dump, gpdbrestore

[gpadmin@sachi gpAdminLogs]$