Configuring gpperfmon disk usage alert threshold


quantum = 15

min_query_time = 20

min_detailed_query_time = 60

warning_disk_space_percentage = 80

error_disk_space_percentage = 90

disk_space_interval = 60

max_disk_space_messages_per_interval = 10

log_location = /home/gpmaster/gpsne-1/gpperfmon/logs

1. quantum:  specifies the time in seconds between updates from # performance monitor agents on all segments. Valid values # are 10, 15, 20, 30, or 60

quantum = 15

2. min_query_time:  specifies the minimum query run time in seconds for statistics collection. The monitor logs all queries that run longer than this value in the queries_history table. For queries with shorter run times, no historical data is collected.

min_query_time = 20

3. min_detailed_query_time: specifies the minimum iterator run time in seconds for # statistics collection. The monitor logs all iterators that run longer than this value in the iterators_history table. For iterators with shorter run times, no data is collected. Minimum value is 10 seconds.

min_detailed_query_time = 60

4. warning_disk_space_percentage:  This should be a percentage between 0 and 100 and should be less than the error_disk_space_percentage. If a filesystem’s disk space used percentage equals or exceeds this value a warning will be logged and a warning email/snmp trap may be sent. If this configuration is set to 0 or not specified, no warnings are sent.

warning_disk_space_percentage = 80

5. error_disk_space_percentage: This should be a percentage between 0 and 100 and should be greater than the warning_disk_space_percentage. If a 

filesystem’s disk space used percentage equals or exceeds this value an error will be logged and a error email/snmp trap may be sent. If this configuration is set to 0 or not specified, no errors are sent.

error_disk_space_percentage = 90

6. disk_space_interval: This is the interval in minutes that limits the number of error/warning messages that are sent. The minimum value for this configuration is 1. Setting this to 0 or not specifying this configuration results in it getting set to the minimum. 

disk_space_interval = 60

7. max_disk_space_messages_per_interval: This is the maximum number of error/warning messages that will be sent in the disk_space_interval. The maximum value for this configuration is 50. The minimum value for this configuration is 1. Setting this configuration to greater than 50 or not specifying this configuration results in it getting set to the maximum.

max_disk_space_messages_per_interval = 10

8. log_location: Location of the log file

log_location = /home/gpmaster/gpsne-1/gpperfmon/logs