How to backup database in Greenplum?
Post date: Nov 07, 2012 9:30:45 PM
How do I back up just the schema for all of my databases?
The pg_dumpall utility extracts all databases in a Greenplum Database system to a single script file. It will generate the DDL for all objects, including global objects such as resource queues and roles.
$ pg_dumpall --gp-syntax --schema-only > db_dump.sql
How do I back up just the schema for one of my databases?
The gp_dump utility dumps the contents of a database into SQL script files, which can then be used to restore the database schema and user data at a later time using gp_restore. The following command will create a schema dump of the template1 database:
$ gp_dump -s template1
How do I back up just the data in my database?
The following command will create a data dump of the test database:
$ gp_dump -a test
How do I clone a database?
The following command will create a full copy of your database into a new database:
# CREATE DATABASE new_dbname TEMPLATE old_dbname;
How do I schedule the backup of my entire database?
The gpcrondump utiity is a wrapper utility for gp_dump, which can be called directly or from a crontab entry. The following example is a Linux crontab entry that runs a backup of the test database (and global objects) nightly at one past midnight:
source /home/gpadmin/.bashrc
01 0 * * * gpadmin gpcrondump -x test -c -g -G -a -q >> gp_test.log
To back up multiple databases, you will need multiple gpcrondump entries in crontab. You will need to source your .bashrc file, .profile or file to ensure you have the correct environment variables set.