Log related views in the gp_toolkit schema

Post date: Nov 05, 2014 11:8:24 PM

sachi=# \d gp_toolkit.gp_log*

View "gp_toolkit.gp_log_command_timings"

Column | Type | Modifiers


logsession | text |

logcmdcount | text |

logdatabase | text |

loguser | text |

logpid | text |

logtimemin | timestamp with time zone |

logtimemax | timestamp with time zone |

logduration | interval |

View definition:

SELECT __gp_log_master_ext.logsession, __gp_log_master_ext.logcmdcount, __gp_log_master_ext.logdatabase, __gp_log_master_ext.loguser, __gp_log_master_ext.logpid, min(__gp_log_master_ext.logtime) AS logtimemin, max(__gp_log_master_ext.logtime) AS logtimemax, max(__gp_log_master_ext.logtime) - min(__gp_log_master_ext.logtime) AS logduration

FROM ONLY gp_toolkit.__gp_log_master_ext

WHERE __gp_log_master_ext.logsession IS NOT NULL AND __gp_log_master_ext.logcmdcount IS NOT NULL AND __gp_log_master_ext.logdatabase IS NOT NULL

GROUP BY __gp_log_master_ext.logsession, __gp_log_master_ext.logcmdcount, __gp_log_master_ext.logdatabase, __gp_log_master_ext.loguser, __gp_log_master_ext.logpid;

View "gp_toolkit.gp_log_database"

Column | Type | Modifiers


logtime | timestamp with time zone |

loguser | text |

logdatabase | text |

logpid | text |

logthread | text |

loghost | text |

logport | text |

logsessiontime | timestamp with time zone |

logtransaction | integer |

logsession | text |

logcmdcount | text |

logsegment | text |

logslice | text |

logdistxact | text |

loglocalxact | text |

logsubxact | text |

logseverity | text |

logstate | text |

logmessage | text |

logdetail | text |

loghint | text |

logquery | text |

logquerypos | integer |

logcontext | text |

logdebug | text |

logcursorpos | integer |

logfunction | text |

logfile | text |

logline | integer |

logstack | text |

View definition:

SELECT gp_log_system.logtime, gp_log_system.loguser, gp_log_system.logdatabase, gp_log_system.logpid, gp_log_system.logthread, gp_log_system.loghost, gp_log

_system.logport, gp_log_system.logsessiontime, gp_log_system.logtransaction, gp_log_system.logsession, gp_log_system.logcmdcount, gp_log_system.logsegment, g

p_log_system.logslice, gp_log_system.logdistxact, gp_log_system.loglocalxact, gp_log_system.logsubxact, gp_log_system.logseverity, gp_log_system.logstate, gp

_log_system.logmessage, gp_log_system.logdetail, gp_log_system.loghint, gp_log_system.logquery, gp_log_system.logquerypos, gp_log_system.logcontext, gp_log_s

ystem.logdebug, gp_log_system.logcursorpos, gp_log_system.logfunction, gp_log_system.logfile, gp_log_system.logline, gp_log_system.logstack

FROM gp_toolkit.gp_log_system

WHERE gp_log_system.logdatabase = current_database()::text;

View "gp_toolkit.gp_log_master_concise"

Column | Type | Modifiers


logtime | timestamp with time zone |

logdatabase | text |

logsession | text |

logcmdcount | text |

logseverity | text |

logmessage | text |

View definition:

SELECT __gp_log_master_ext.logtime, __gp_log_master_ext.logdatabase, __gp_log_master_ext.logsession, __gp_log_master_ext.logcmdcount, __gp_log_master_ext.logseverity, __gp_log_master_ext.logmessage

FROM ONLY gp_toolkit.__gp_log_master_ext;

View "gp_toolkit.gp_log_system"

Column | Type | Modifiers


logtime | timestamp with time zone |

loguser | text |

logdatabase | text |

logpid | text |

logthread | text |

loghost | text |

logport | text |

logsessiontime | timestamp with time zone |

logtransaction | integer |

logsession | text |

logcmdcount | text |

logsegment | text |

logslice | text |

logdistxact | text |

loglocalxact | text |

logsubxact | text |

logseverity | text |

logstate | text |

logmessage | text |

logdetail | text |

loghint | text |

logquery | text |

logquerypos | integer |

logcontext | text |

logdebug | text |

logcursorpos | integer |

logfunction | text |

logfile | text |

logline | integer |

logstack | text |

View definition:

SELECT __gp_log_segment_ext.logtime, __gp_log_segment_ext.loguser, __gp_log_segment_ext.logdatabase, __gp_log_segment_ext.logpid, __gp_log_segment_ext.logth

read, __gp_log_segment_ext.loghost, __gp_log_segment_ext.logport, __gp_log_segment_ext.logsessiontime, __gp_log_segment_ext.logtransaction, __gp_log_segment_

ext.logsession, __gp_log_segment_ext.logcmdcount, __gp_log_segment_ext.logsegment, __gp_log_segment_ext.logslice, __gp_log_segment_ext.logdistxact, __gp_log_

segment_ext.loglocalxact, __gp_log_segment_ext.logsubxact, __gp_log_segment_ext.logseverity, __gp_log_segment_ext.logstate, __gp_log_segment_ext.logmessage,

__gp_log_segment_ext.logdetail, __gp_log_segment_ext.loghint, __gp_log_segment_ext.logquery, __gp_log_segment_ext.logquerypos, __gp_log_segment_ext.logcontex

t, __gp_log_segment_ext.logdebug, __gp_log_segment_ext.logcursorpos, __gp_log_segment_ext.logfunction, __gp_log_segment_ext.logfile, __gp_log_segment_ext.log

line, __gp_log_segment_ext.logstack

FROM ONLY gp_toolkit.__gp_log_segment_ext


SELECT __gp_log_master_ext.logtime, __gp_log_master_ext.loguser, __gp_log_master_ext.logdatabase, __gp_log_master_ext.logpid, __gp_log_master_ext.logthread,

__gp_log_master_ext.loghost, __gp_log_master_ext.logport, __gp_log_master_ext.logsessiontime, __gp_log_master_ext.logtransaction, __gp_log_master_ext.logses

sion, __gp_log_master_ext.logcmdcount, __gp_log_master_ext.logsegment, __gp_log_master_ext.logslice, __gp_log_master_ext.logdistxact, __gp_log_master_ext.log

localxact, __gp_log_master_ext.logsubxact, __gp_log_master_ext.logseverity, __gp_log_master_ext.logstate, __gp_log_master_ext.logmessage, __gp_log_master_ext

.logdetail, __gp_log_master_ext.loghint, __gp_log_master_ext.logquery, __gp_log_master_ext.logquerypos, __gp_log_master_ext.logcontext, __gp_log_master_ext.l

ogdebug, __gp_log_master_ext.logcursorpos, __gp_log_master_ext.logfunction, __gp_log_master_ext.logfile, __gp_log_master_ext.logline, __gp_log_master_ext.log


FROM ONLY gp_toolkit.__gp_log_master_ext

