Partition Information
Post date: Oct 18, 2014 12:34:41 AM
1. List of partition tables in all schema in your db.
sachi=# select distinct tablename from pg_partitions;
(5 rows)
sachi=# select distinct schemaname,tablename from pg_partitions;
schemaname | tablename
public | cms_part
public | cms_qlz
public | cms_zlib
public | cms_zlib9
public | sales
(5 rows)
sachi=# select distinct tablename,count(partitiontablename) from pg_partitions group by tablename;
tablename | count
cms_part | 17
cms_qlz | 17
cms_zlib | 17
cms_zlib9 | 17
sales | 132
(5 rows)
sachi=# SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, a.attname AS columnname, p.parlevel AS partitionlevel, p.i + 1 AS position_in_partition_key
FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, ( SELECT p.parrelid, p.parlevel, p.paratts[i.i] AS attnum, i.i
FROM pg_partition p, generate_series(0, ( SELECT max(array_upper(pg_partition.paratts, 1)) AS max
FROM pg_partition)) i(i)
WHERE p.paratts[i.i] IS NOT NULL) p
WHERE p.parrelid = c.oid AND c.relnamespace = n.oid AND p.attnum = a.attnum AND a.attrelid = c.oid;
schemaname | tablename | columnname | partitionlevel | position_in_partition_key
public | cms_part | car_line_cms_type_srvc_cd | 0 | 1
public | cms_qlz | car_line_cms_type_srvc_cd | 0 | 1
public | cms_zlib | car_line_cms_type_srvc_cd | 0 | 1
public | cms_zlib9 | car_line_cms_type_srvc_cd | 0 | 1
public | sales | year | 0 | 1
public | sales | month | 1 | 1
public | sales | month | 1 | 1
public | sales | region | 2 | 1
public | sales | region | 2 | 1
(9 rows)
sachi=# SELECT p1.schemaname, p1.tablename, p1.partitionname, p1.partitiontype, p1.partitionlevel,
WHEN p1.partitiontype <> 'range'::text THEN NULL::bigint
WHEN p1.partitionnodefault > 0 THEN p1.partitionrank
WHEN p1.partitionrank = 1 THEN NULL::bigint
ELSE p1.partitionrank - 1
END AS partitionrank, p1.partitionposition, p1.partitionlistvalues, p1.partitionrangestart,
WHEN p1.partitiontype = 'range'::text THEN p1.partitionstartinclusive
ELSE NULL::boolean
END AS partitionstartinclusive, p1.partitionrangeend,
WHEN p1.partitiontype = 'range'::text THEN p1.partitionendinclusive
ELSE NULL::boolean
END AS partitionendinclusive, p1.partitioneveryclause, p1.parisdefault AS partitionisdefault, p1.partitionboundary
FROM ( SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, cl.relname AS tablename, pr1.parname AS partitionname, p.parlevel AS partitionlevel, pr1.parruleord AS partitionposition, rank() OVER(
PARTITION BY p.oid, cl.relname, p.parlevel
ORDER BY pr1.parruleord) AS partitionrank, pg_get_expr(pr1.parlistvalues, p.parrelid) AS partitionlistvalues, pg_get_expr(pr1.parrangestart, p.parrelid) AS partitionrangestart, pr1.parrangestartincl AS partitionstartinclusive, pg_get_expr(pr1.parrangeend, p.parrelid) AS partitionrangeend, pr1.parrangeendincl AS partitionendinclusive, pg_get_expr(pr1.parrangeevery, p.parrelid) AS partitioneveryclause, min(pr1.parruleord) OVER(
PARTITION BY p.oid, cl.relname, p.parlevel
ORDER BY pr1.parruleord) AS partitionnodefault, pr1.parisdefault,
WHEN p.parkind = 'h'::"char" THEN 'hash'::text
WHEN p.parkind = 'r'::"char" THEN 'range'::text
WHEN p.parkind = 'l'::"char" THEN 'list'::text
END AS partitiontype, pg_get_partition_rule_def(pr1.oid, true) AS partitionboundary
FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class cl, pg_partition p, pg_partition_rule pr1
WHERE p.parrelid = cl.oid AND pr1.paroid = p.oid AND cl.relnamespace = n.oid AND p.paristemplate = true) p1;
schemaname | tablename | partitionname | partitiontype | partitionlevel | partitionrank | partitionposition | partitionlistvalues | partitionrangestart | pa
rtitionstartinclusive | partitionrangeend | partitionendinclusive | partitioneveryclause | partitionisdefault | partitionboundary
public | sales | other_months | range | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | f
| | f | | t | DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_months
public | sales | | range | 1 | 2 | 2 | | 1 | t
| 2 | f | 1 | f | START (1) END (2) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 3 | 3 | | 2 | t
| 3 | f | 1 | f | START (2) END (3) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 4 | 4 | | 3 | t
| 4 | f | 1 | f | START (3) END (4) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 5 | 5 | | 4 | t
| 5 | f | 1 | f | START (4) END (5) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 6 | 6 | | 5 | t
| 6 | f | 1 | f | START (5) END (6) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 7 | 7 | | 6 | t
| 7 | f | 1 | f | START (6) END (7) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 8 | 8 | | 7 | t
| 8 | f | 1 | f | START (7) END (8) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 9 | 9 | | 8 | t
| 9 | f | 1 | f | START (8) END (9) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 10 | 10 | | 9 | t
| 10 | f | 1 | f | START (9) END (10) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 11 | 11 | | 10 | t
| 11 | f | 1 | f | START (10) END (11) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 12 | 12 | | 11 | t
| 12 | f | 1 | f | START (11) END (12) EVERY (1)
public | sales | | range | 1 | 13 | 13 | | 12 | t
| 13 | f | 1 | f | START (12) END (13) EVERY (1)
public | sales | usa | list | 2 | | 1 | 'usa'::text | |
| | | | f | SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa')
public | sales | europe | list | 2 | | 2 | 'europe'::text | |
| | | | f | SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe')
public | sales | asia | list | 2 | | 3 | 'asia'::text | |
| | | | f | SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia')
public | sales | other_regions | list | 2 | | 4 | | |
| | | | t | DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions
(17 rows)
sachi=# SELECT p1.schemaname, p1.tablename, p1.partitionschemaname, p1.partitiontablename, p1.partitionname, p1.parentpartitiontablename, p1.parentpartitionname, p1.partitiontype, p1.partitionlevel, CASE
WHEN p1.partitiontype <> 'range'::text THEN NULL::bigint
WHEN p1.partitionnodefault > 0 THEN p1.partitionrank
WHEN p1.partitionrank = 0 THEN NULL::bigint
ELSE p1.partitionrank
END AS partitionrank, p1.partitionposition, p1.partitionlistvalues, p1.partitionrangestart,
WHEN p1.partitiontype = 'range'::text THEN p1.partitionstartinclusive
ELSE NULL::boolean
END AS partitionstartinclusive, p1.partitionrangeend,
WHEN p1.partitiontype = 'range'::text THEN p1.partitionendinclusive
ELSE NULL::boolean
END AS partitionendinclusive, p1.partitioneveryclause, p1.parisdefault AS partitionisdefault, p1.partitionboundary, p1.parentspace AS parenttablespace, p1.partspace AS partitiontablespace
FROM ( SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, cl.relname AS tablename, n2.nspname AS partitionschemaname, cl2.relname AS partitiontablename, pr1.parname AS partitionname, cl3.relname AS parentpartitiontablename, pr2.parname AS parentpartitionname,
WHEN pp.parkind = 'h'::"char" THEN 'hash'::text
WHEN pp.parkind = 'r'::"char" THEN 'range'::text
WHEN pp.parkind = 'l'::"char" THEN 'list'::text
END AS partitiontype, pp.parlevel AS partitionlevel, pr1.parruleord AS partitionposition,
WHEN pp.parkind <> 'r'::"char" OR pr1.parisdefault THEN NULL::bigint
ELSE rank() OVER(
PARTITION BY pp.oid, cl.relname, pp.parlevel, cl3.relname
ORDER BY pr1.parisdefault, pr1.parruleord)
END AS partitionrank, pg_get_expr(pr1.parlistvalues, pr1.parchildrelid) AS partitionlistvalues, pg_get_expr(pr1.parrangestart, pr1.parchildrelid) AS partitionrangestart, pr1.parrangestartincl AS partitionstartinclusive, pg_get_expr(pr1.parrangeend, pr1.parchildrelid) AS partitionrangeend, pr1.parrangeendincl AS partitionendinclusive, pg_get_expr(pr1.parrangeevery, pr1.parchildrelid) AS partitioneveryclause, min(pr1.parruleord) OVER(
PARTITION BY pp.oid, cl.relname, pp.parlevel, cl3.relname
ORDER BY pr1.parruleord) AS partitionnodefault, pr1.parisdefault, pg_get_partition_rule_def(pr1.oid, true) AS partitionboundary, COALESCE(sp.spcname, d.dfltspcname) AS parentspace, COALESCE(sp3.spcname, d.dfltspcname) AS partspace
FROM pg_namespace n, pg_namespace n2, pg_class cl
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace sp ON cl.reltablespace = sp.oid, pg_class cl2
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace sp3 ON cl2.reltablespace = sp3.oid, pg_partition pp, pg_partition_rule pr1
LEFT JOIN pg_partition_rule pr2 ON pr1.parparentrule = pr2.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class cl3 ON pr2.parchildrelid = cl3.oid, ( SELECT s.spcname
FROM pg_database, pg_tablespace s
WHERE pg_database.datname = current_database() AND pg_database.dattablespace = s.oid) d(dfltspcname)
WHERE pp.paristemplate = false AND pp.parrelid = cl.oid AND pr1.paroid = pp.oid AND cl2.oid = pr1.parchildrelid AND cl.relnamespace = n.oid AND cl2.relnamespace = n2.oid) p1;
schemaname | tablename | partitionschemaname | partitiontablename | partitionname | parentpartitiont
ablename | parentpartitionname | partitiontype | partitionlevel | partitionrank | partitionposition | partitionlistvalues | partitionrangestart
| partitionstartinclusive | partitionrangeend | partitionendinclusive | partitioneveryclause | partitionisdefault | partitionbounda
ry | parenttablespace | partitiontablespace
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_outlying_years | outlying_years |
| | range | 0 | | 1 | |
| f | | f | | t | DEFAULT PARTITION outlying_years
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2 | |
| | range | 0 | 1 | 2 | | 2012
| t | 2013 | f | 1 | f | START (2012) END (2013) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_other_months | other_months | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | | 1 | |
| f | | f | | t | DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_months
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_2 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 1 | 2 | | 1
| t | 2 | f | 1 | f | START (1) END (2) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_3 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 2
| t | 3 | f | 1 | f | START (2) END (3) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_4 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 3 | 4 | | 3
| t | 4 | f | 1 | f | START (3) END (4) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_5 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 4 | 5 | | 4
| t | 5 | f | 1 | f | START (4) END (5) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_6 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 5 | 6 | | 5
| t | 6 | f | 1 | f | START (5) END (6) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_7 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 6 | 7 | | 6
| t | 7 | f | 1 | f | START (6) END (7) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_8 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 7 | 8 | | 7
| t | 8 | f | 1 | f | START (7) END (8) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
public | sales | public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_9 | | sales_1_prt_2
| | range | 1 | 8 | 9 | | 8
| t | 9 | f | 1 | f | START (8) END (9) EVERY (1)
| pg_default | pg_default
on=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p9 | p9 |
| | list | 0 | | 9 | '8'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p9 VALUES('8') WITH (orientati
on=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p10 | p10 |
| | list | 0 | | 10 | '9'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p10 VALUES('9') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p11 | p11 |
| | list | 0 | | 11 | 'D'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p11 VALUES('D') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p12 | p12 |
| | list | 0 | | 12 | 'F'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p12 VALUES('F') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p13 | p13 |
| | list | 0 | | 13 | 'G'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p13 VALUES('G') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p14 | p14 |
| | list | 0 | | 14 | 'K'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p14 VALUES('K') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p15 | p15 |
| | list | 0 | | 15 | 'M'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p15 VALUES('M') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p16 | p16 |
| | list | 0 | | 16 | 'N'::character varying |
| | | | | f | PARTITION p16 VALUES('N') WITH (orientat
ion=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
public | cms_zlib9 | public | cms_zlib9_1_prt_other | other |
| | list | 0 | | 17 | |
| | | | | t | DEFAULT PARTITION other WITH (orientati
on=column, appendonly=true) | pg_default | pg_default
(200 rows)
sachi=# SELECT pso.classname, pso.objname, pso.objid, pso.schemaname, pso.usestatus, pso.usename, pso.actionname, pso.subtype, pso.statime,
WHEN pr.parlevel IS NOT NULL THEN pr.parlevel
ELSE pr2.parlevel
END AS partitionlevel, pcns.relname AS parenttablename, pcns.nspname AS parentschemaname, pr.parrelid AS parent_relid
FROM pg_stat_operations pso
LEFT JOIN pg_partition_rule ppr ON pso.objid = ppr.parchildrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_partition pr ON pr.oid = ppr.paroid
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT min(prx.parlevel) AS parlevel, prx.parrelid
FROM pg_partition prx
GROUP BY prx.parrelid) pr2 ON pr2.parrelid = pso.objid
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT pc.oid, pc.relname, pc.relnamespace, pc.reltype, pc.relowner, pc.relam, pc.relfilenode, pc.reltablespace, pc.relpages, pc.reltuples, pc.reltoastrelid, pc.reltoastidxid, pc.relaosegrelid, pc.relaosegidxid, pc.relhasindex, pc.relisshared, pc.relkind, pc.relstorage, pc.relnatts, pc.relchecks, pc.reltriggers, pc.relukeys, pc.relfkeys, pc.relrefs, pc.relhasoids, pc.relhaspkey, pc.relhasrules, pc.relhassubclass, pc.relfrozenxid, pc.relacl, pc.reloptions, ns.nspname, ns.nspowner, ns.nspacl
FROM pg_class pc
FULL JOIN pg_namespace ns ON ns.oid = pc.relnamespace) pcns ON pcns.oid = pr.parrelid;
classname | objname | objid | schemaname | usestatus | usename | actionname | subtyp
e | statime | partitionlevel | parenttablename | parentschemaname | parent_relid
pg_namespace | gp_toolkit | 10890 | | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.584272-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_is_append_only | 16384 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.646328-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_is_append_only | 16384 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.65277-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_fullname | 16387 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.654534-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_fullname | 16387 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.656615-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_namespaces | 16390 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.658216-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_namespaces | 16390 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.660281-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_tables | 16393 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.662167-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_tables | 16393 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.665061-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_data_tables | 16396 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.666971-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_data_tables | 16396 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.670172-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_data_tables_readable | 16399 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.672125-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_user_data_tables_readable | 16399 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.675026-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_localid | 16413 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | TABLE
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.677765-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_localid | 16413 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.680326-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_masterid | 16436 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | TABLE
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.682068-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_masterid | 16436 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.683806-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_number_of_segments | 16448 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.685274-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_number_of_segments | 16448 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | GRANT
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.687337-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_log_segment_ext | 16462 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | TABLE
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.690038-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_log_segment_ext | 16462 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | REVOKE
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.692811-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_log_master_ext | 16485 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | TABLE
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.695318-05 | | | |
pg_class | __gp_log_master_ext | 16485 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | PRIVILEGE | REVOKE
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.698122-05 | | | |
pg_class | gp_log_system | 16497 | gp_toolkit | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2013-11-27 12:54:22.700729-05 | | |
pg_class | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p14 | 86191 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | ALTER | INHERIT
| 2014-10-16 14:56:01.520918-04 | 0 | cms_zlib9 | public | 85828
pg_class | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p15 | 86217 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | ALTER | INHERIT
| 2014-10-16 14:56:01.52336-04 | 0 | cms_zlib9 | public | 85828
pg_class | cms_zlib9_1_prt_p16 | 86243 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | ALTER | INHERIT
| 2014-10-16 14:56:01.525823-04 | 0 | cms_zlib9 | public | 85828
pg_class | cms_zlib9_1_prt_other | 86269 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | ALTER | INHERIT
| 2014-10-16 14:56:01.52822-04 | 0 | cms_zlib9 | public | 85828
pg_class | v_gp_table_storage | 86488 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2014-10-16 15:03:45.364006-04 | | | |
pg_class | v_gp_table_storage2 | 86491 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | VIEW
| 2014-10-16 15:08:59.89954-04 | | | |
pg_class | idx_bloattest_id | 86509 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | CREATE | INDEX
| 2014-10-16 17:46:10.340206-04 | | | |
pg_class | bloattest | 83678 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | ALTER | SET DISTRIB
UTED BY | 2014-10-16 19:26:24.26704-04 | | | |
pg_class | pg_attribute | 1249 | pg_catalog | CURRENT | gpadmin | ANALYZE |
| 2014-10-16 20:04:39.935061-04 | | | |
pg_class | idx_bloattest_id | 86509 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | VACUUM | REINDEX
| 2014-10-17 12:43:12.982163-04 | | | |
pg_class | bloattest | 83678 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | VACUUM | TRUNCATE
| 2014-10-17 12:43:13.817459-04 | | | |
pg_class | bloattest | 83678 | public | CURRENT | gpadmin | ANALYZE |
| 2014-10-17 12:45:27.920074-04 | | | |
(1074 rows)