Hostfiles created by the DCA Setup utility
Configuration files are text files that contain the hostnames of servers that occupy quarter,half, or full rack configurations. The file used depends on the desired function. Refer to the table below for a description of each configuration and host file. The hostfiles are located at $ /home/gpadmin/gpconfigs:
File Description
1.gpexpand_map Expansion MAP file created during the dca_setup option Expand the DCA. It’s purpose is to during GPDB reallocate primary and mirror instances on the new hardware.
2. gpinitsystem_map MAP file used during installation of GPDB blocks to assign primary and mirror segments to each server.
3. hostfile Contains one hostname per server for ALL servers in the system. Includes GPDB, DIA and HD (if present).
4. hostfile_segments Contains the hostnames of the segment servers of all GPDB blocks.
5. hostfile_gpdb Contains the hostnames for GPDB servers.
6. hostfile_dia Contains the hostnames of the DIA servers. This hostfile is also used for DIA servers running the optional Pivotal GemFire application.
7. hostfile_hadoop Contains the hostnames of the Hadoop servers.
8. hostfile_hdm Contains the hostnames of all Hadoop Master servers.
9. hostfile_hdw Contains the hostnames of all Hadoop Worker servers. This hostfile is also used for HD servers running the
optional Pivotal GemFire application.
10. hostfile_hdc Contains the hostnames of all Hadoop Compute servers.