Shows the status of a running Greenplum Database system.
gpstate [-d master_data_directory] [-B parallel_processes]
[-s | -b | -Q | -e] [-m | -c] [-p] [-i] [-f] [-v | -q] [-l log_directory]
gpstate -? | -h | --help
The gpstate utility displays information about a running Greenplum Database instance. There is additional information you may want to know about a Greenplum Database system, since it is comprised of multiple PostgreSQL database instances (segments) spanning multiple machines. The gpstate utility provides additional status information for a Greenplum Database system, such as:
Which segments are down.
Master and segment configuration information (hosts, data directories, etc.).
The ports used by the system.
A mapping of primary segments to their corresponding mirror segments.
-b (brief status)
Optional. Display a brief summary of the state of the Greenplum Database system. This is the default option.
-B parallel_processes
The number of segments to check in parallel. If not specified, the utility will start up to 60 parallel processes depending on how many segment instances it needs to check.
-c (show primary to mirror mappings)
Optional. Display mapping of primary segments to their corresponding mirror segments.
-d master_data_directory
Optional. The master data directory. If not specified, the value set for $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.
-e (show segments with mirror status issues)
Show details on primary/mirror segment pairs that have potential issues such as
1) the active segment is running in change tracking mode, meaning a segment is down
2) the active segment is in resynchronization mode, meaning it is catching up changes to the mirror
3) a segment is not in its preferred role, for example a segment that was a primary at system initialization time is now acting as a mirror, meaning you may have one or more segment hosts with unbalanced processing load.
-f (show standby master details)
Display details of the standby master host if configured.
-i (show Greenplum Database version)
Display the Greenplum Database software version information for each instance.
-l logfile_directory
The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.
-m (list mirrors)
Optional. List the mirror segment instances in the system, their current role, and synchronization status.
-p (show ports)
List the port numbers used throughout the Greenplum Database system.
-q (no screen output)
Optional. Run in quiet mode. Except for warning messages, command output is not displayed on the screen. However, this information is still written to the log file.
-Q (quick status)
Optional. Checks segment status in the system catalog on the master host. Does not poll the segments for status.
-s (detailed status)
Optional. Displays detailed status information for the Greenplum Database system.
-v (verbose output)
Optional. Displays error messages and outputs detailed status and progress information.
-? | -h | --help (help)
Displays the online help.
Output Field Definitions
The following output fields are reported by gpstate -s for the master:
gpstate output data for the master
gpstate output data for segments
Show detailed status information of a Greenplum Database system:
gpstate -s
Do a quick check for down segments in the master host system catalog:
gpstate -Q
Show information about mirror segment instances:
gpstate -m
Show information about the standby master configuration:
gpstate -f
Display the Greenplum software version information:
gpstate -i