Greenplum Master
Greenplum Master Server Specification - Click here
1. The master is the entry point to the Greenplum Database system. It is the database process that accepts client connections and processes SQL commands that system users issue.
2. Greenplum Database end-users interact with Greenplum Database (through the master) as they would with a typical PostgreSQL database. They connect to the
database using client programs such as psql or application programming interfaces (APIs) such as JDBC or ODBC.
3. The master is where the global system catalog resides. The global system catalog is the set of system tables that contain metadata about the Greenplum Database system itself. The master does not contain any user data; data resides only on the segments.
4. The master authenticates client connections, processes incoming SQL commands,distributes workload among segments, coordinates the results returned by each
segment, and presents the final results to the client program.
Changing the default master port - Click here
Standby Master server specification is same as master.
1. Standby Master is configured as WARM Standby.
2. The standby master is kept up to date by a transaction log replication process, which runs on the standby master host and synchronizes the data between the primary and standby master hosts.
3. When the primary master fails, the log replication process stops, and the standby master can be activated in its place. Upon activation of the standby master, the replicated logs are used to reconstruct the state of the master host at the time of the last successfully committed transaction.
4. The activated standby master effectively becomes the Greenplum Database master, accepting client connections on the master port (which must be set to the same port number on the master host and the backup master host).
5. Since the master does not contain any user data, only the system catalog tables need to be synchronized between the primary and backup copies. When these tables are updated, changes are automatically copied over to the standby master to ensure synchronization with the primary master.
Setting Server Configuration - Click here
Viewing Server Configuration - Click here