Greenplum Database Management  Utilities

Here are the list of Greenplum database management utilities as of V 3.0. Some of the old utilities are deprecated and mentioned at the bottom of the page. I will describe each utilities in more details in my future blogs. You can also buy my ebook Greenplum Database Utilities Book Preview for your future reference purpose.

1. gpactivatestandby: Activates a standby master host and makes it the active master for the Greenplum Database system.

2. gpaddmirrors: Adds mirror segments to a Greenplum Database system that was initially configured without mirroring.

3. gpbitmapreindex: Rebuilds bitmap indexes after a 3.3.x to 4.0.x upgrade.

4. gpcheck: Verifies and validates Greenplum Database platform settings.

5. gpcheckperf: Verifies the baseline hardware performance of the specified hosts.

6. gpcrondump: Writes out a database to SQL script files. The script files can be used to restore the database using the gpdbrestore utility. The gpcrondump utility can be called directly or from a crontab entry.

7. gpconfig: Sets server configuration parameters on all segments within a Greenplum Database system.

8. gpdbrestore: Restores a database from a set of dump files generated by gpcrondump.

9. gpdeletesystem: Deletes a Greenplum Database system that was initialized using gpinitsystem.

10. gpdetective: Collects diagnostic information from a running Greenplum Database system.

11. gp_dump: Writes out a database to SQL script files, which can then be used to restore the database using gp_restore.

12. gpexpand: Expands an existing Greenplum Database across new hosts in the array.

13. gpfdist: Serves data files to or writes data files out from Greenplum Database segments.

14. gpfilespace: Creates a filespace using a configuration file that defines per-segment file system locations. Filespaces describe the physical file system resources to be used by a tablespace.

15. gpinitstandby: Adds and/or initializes a standby master host for a Greenplum Database system.

16. gpinitsystem: Initializes a Greenplum Database system using configuration parameters specified in the gpinitsystem_config file.

17. gpload: Runs a load job as defined in a YAML formatted control file.

18. gplogfilter: Searches through Greenplum Database log files for specified entries.

19. gpmapreduce: Runs Greenplum MapReduce jobs as defined in a YAML specification document.

20. gpmfr: Manages the Greenplum Database backup images that are stored on a local Data Domain system and a remote Data Domain system that is used for disaster recovery. Managed file replication is used for disaster recovery by the Data Domain Boost software option to transfer a backup image from one Data Domain system to another.

21. gpmigrator: Upgrades an existing Greenplum Database 4.1.x system without mirrors to 4.3.x.

Use gpmigrator_mirror to upgrade a 4.1.x system that has mirrors. Note: Using gpmigrator on a system with mirrors causes an error.

22. gpmigrator_mirror: Upgrades an existing Greenplum Database 4.1.x system with mirrors to 4.3.x. Use gpmigrator to upgrade a 4.1.x system that does not have mirrors. Note: Using gpmigrator_mirror on a system without mirrors causes an error.

23. gppkg: Installs Greenplum Database extensions such as pgcrypto, PL/R, PL/Java, PL/Perl, PostGIS, and MADlib, along with their dependencies, across an entire cluster.

24. gprecoverseg: Recovers a primary or mirror segment instance that has been marked as down (if mirroring is enabled).

25. gp_restore: Restores Greenplum databases that were backed up using gp_dump. The gp_restore utility is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use gpcrondump and gpdbrestore to backup and restore Greenplum databases.

26. gpscp: Copies files between multiple hosts at once.

27. gpseginstall: Installs Greenplum Database on segment hosts.

28. gpsnmpd: Reports on the health and state of a Greenplum Database system through SNMP.

29. gpssh: Provides ssh access to multiple hosts at once.

30. gpssh-exkeys: Exchanges SSH public keys between hosts.

31. gpstart: Starts a Greenplum Database system.

32. gpstate: Shows the status of a running Greenplum Database system.

33. gpstop: Stops or restarts a Greenplum Database system.

34. gpsys1: Displays information about your operating system.

Following utilities are deprecated as of Greenplum v 4.3

1. gpchecknet (deprecated)

2. gpcheckos (deprecated)

3. gprebuildsystem (deprecated)

4. gpsizecalc (deprecated)

5. gpskew (deprecated)

Greenplum Database uses the standard PostgreSQL client and server programs and provides additional management utilities for administering a distributed Greenplum Database DBMS. Greenplum Database management utilities reside in $GPHOME/bin.  When referencing IPv6 addresses in gpfdist URLs or when using numeric IP addresses instead of hostnames in any management utility, always enclose the IP address in brackets. For command prompt use, the best practice is to escape any brackets or put them inside quotation marks. For example: gpdbrestore -R \[2620:0:170:610::11\], gpdbrestore -R '[2620:0:170:610::11]'