Installing Greenplum Community Edition on MacBook - Getting Error on gpssh-exkeys after turning off Firewall and checking Remote Login
Post date: Nov 07, 2013 11:19:41 PM
Installing Greenplum Community Edition on MacBook - Getting Error on gpssh-exkeys after turning off Firewall and checking Remote Login
~ gpadmin$ gpssh-exkeys -h localhost
[STEP 1 of 5] create local ID and authorize on local host
[WARNING] error 65280 obtaining RSA host key(s) for local host (, { "popen" : False, "remoteId" : None, "popen_cmd" : "" })
getaddrinfo nodename nor servname provided, or not known
[ERROR] authentication check failed:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname nodename nor servname provided, or not known
[ERROR] cannot establish ssh access into the local host
Solution: create/copy the public key for gpadmin into an authorized_keys file and you performed the same thing gpssh-exkeys does; for a small test environment it's not a big deal but the tool comes in handy when exchanging keys across numerous nodes. That's all it does??? The authorized_keys file gets updated before it kicks out the error.