Installing the Greenplum Command Center Console
Post date: Nov 08, 2012 8:25:51 PM
The Command Center Console provides a graphical interface for viewing performance data and for administering certain aspects of your Greenplum system. Normally installed on the Greenplum master host, the console is a web-based user interface accessed through a supported browser.
The Command Center Console is typically installed on the Greenplum Database master host. However, you have the option to install the console on a host different from the master host. Note that this setup incurs a performance penalty due to the numerous database connections the console must open over the network.
If you have multiple Greenplum Database instances, you can create separate Command Center Console instances for each of them. Each separate console instance operates on a unique port and has its own unique configuration options.
The Command Center Console supports for any browsers that have Adobe Flash 9.0 or higher enabled. For example, the following browsers are supported:
•Internet Explorer for Windows XP and Vista
•Mozilla Firefox for Windows and Linux
•Apple’s Safari browser for Macintosh
•Google’s Chrome
The Command Center Console runs on a lighttpd web server. The default web server port is 28080. For more information about the web server, see “Web Server Administration” on page 20.
Installing the Command Center Console involves the following high-level tasks:
•Install the Command Center Console — Create the software installation directory.
•Set up the Greenplum Command Center Console — Set up the environment variables and create and configure a Command Center Console instance and its supporting web services.
Install the Command Center Console
If you are installing the Command Center Console on a remote system (that is, not the same system on which you installed Greenplum Database), you must also install Greenplum Database installation binary files on the remote system. After installing the binary files, source, then perform the Console installation steps described below. Note that you do not need to initiate the database. See the Greenplum Database Installation Guide for more information.
1.Download the installer file from the EMC Download Center. Installer files are available for RedHat 64-bit or SuSE Linux 64 bit platforms.
You do not need to download the installer file if you are installing the console on an EMC Data Computing Appliance; the installer file is already loaded on DCAs.
2.Unzip the installer file where PLATFORM is either RHEL5-x86_64 (RedHat 64-bit), SOL-x86_64 or SuSE10-x86_64 (SuSe Linux 64-bit). For example:
# unzip
3.Login in as gpadmin .
4.Launch the installer using bash. For example:
# /bin/bash greenplum-cc-web-versionx.x-PLATFORM.bin
5.Type yes to accept the license agreement.
6.The installer will prompt you to provide an installation path. Press ENTER to accept the default install path:
or enter an absolute path to an install location. You must have write permissions to the location you specify.
7.Once the installation has completed successfully, create a host file listing all remaining hostnames, including the Standby Master host. Note that hostnames must be DNS resolveable.
8.The installation directory contains a file with path and environment settings for the Console. Source this and the Greenplum path, as follows:
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-versionx.x/
9.Run the gpccinstall utility to install Command Center on all hosts listed in the host file you created.
$ gpccinstall -f hostfilename
10.Configure the Console