What are the recommended ODBC parameters for Greenplum?

Post date: Oct 05, 2012 10:57:42 PM

Data Source Definition (DSN) files are usually stored in the Greenplum user's (gpadmin) home directory in a file named .odbc.ini (UNIX) or odbc.ini (Windows). Creating a DSN involves configuring the following settings in the odbc.ini file. In the following example, the data source name is called "Greenplum," but it can be changed to any unique value of your choice. The most important parameters are highlighted.


Driver = <path to GP driver>

Description = Greenplum

Protocol = 7.4-1

Servername = <hostname or IP address>

Port = 5432

Database = <database name>

Username = <name>

Password =

ReadOnly = No

RowVersioning = No

ShowSystemTables = Yes

ShowOidColumn = No

FakeOidIndex = No

DisallowPremature = No

UseDeclareFetch = 1

Fetch = 4096

UpdatableCursors = No