Greenplum Database
Quick facts about Greenplum Database
Greenplum Database is an array of individual databases based upon PostgreSQL 8.2 working together to present a single database image.
Greenplum Database stores and processes large amounts of data by distributing the data and processing workload across several servers or hosts
The master is the entry point to the Greenplum Database system.
It is the database instance to which clients connect and submit SQL statements.
The master coordinates its work with the other database instances in the system, called segments.
It is the segments where data is stored and the majority of query processing takes place.
Greenplum Database end-users interact with Greenplum Database (through the master).
End-users connect to the Greenplum database using client programs such as psql or APIs such as JDBC or ODBC.
The master is where the global system catalog resides.
The global system catalog is the set of system tables that contain metadata about the Greenplum Database system itself.
The master does not contain any user data.
Data resides only on the segments.
The master authenticates client connections
The master processes incoming SQL commands
Master distributes workload among segments, coordinates the results returned by each segment
It is the master which presents the final results to the client program.
When a user connects to the database and issues a query, processes are created on each segment to handle the work of that query.
User-defined tables and their indexes are distributed across the available segments in a Greenplum Database system
Each segment contains a distinct portion of data.
The database server processes that serve segment data run under the corresponding segment instances.
Greenplum Database Restore
Single Table backup
Single table Restore
Collecting Stats in Greenplum
Explain Plan in Greenplum
Display Greenplum Database Configuration Parameters
Modify Greenplum Database Configuration Parameters
Display Size of Table in Greenplum
Display Size of Schema in Greenplum
Display Database Size in Greenplum
Display Distribution Key in Greenplum
Display distribution of rows in Greenplum segments
Learn more about
Greenplum Master Click here
Greenplum Segments Click here
Greenplum Interconnect Click here
Starting and Stopping Greenplum Click here
Greenplum database log files
Greenplum database system catalog
Configuring Greenplum System
Greenplum Parallel Data Loading
Audit Logging
Monitoring and Performance Tuning
DCA Storage and omreport
SNMP Alerts and SNMP Traps
Backup and Restore
Greenplum Command line utilities
Greenplum Command Center
Greenplum Chorus
Data Domain
Oracle Compatibility Functions
DCA to DCA Data Transfer
Greenplum Database Backup