Uninstalling Greenplum Command Center

Post date: Nov 08, 2012 8:32:59 PM

To uninstall, you must stop both the Command Center Console and disable the data collection agents. Optionally, you may also want to remove any data associated with Greenplum Command Center by removing your Command Center Console installation and the Command Center database.

To uninstall the Command Center Console

1.Stop Command Center Console if it is currently running. For example:

$ gpcmdr --stop

2.Remove the Command Center installation directory from all hosts. For example:

$ rm -rf /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-version

To disable the Data Collection Agents

1.Log in to the master host as the Greenplum administrative user (gpadmin):

su - gpadmin

2.Edit $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/postgresql.conf and disable the data collection agents:

gp_enable_gpperfmon = off

3.Remove or comment out the gpmon entries in pg_hba.conf. For example:

#local gpperfmon gpmon md5

#host gpperfmon gpmon md5

4.Drop the Command Center superuser role from the database. For example:

$ psql template1 -c 'DROP ROLE gpmon;'

5.Restart the Greenplum Database instance:

$ gpstop -r

6.Clean up any uncommitted Command Center data and log files that reside on the master file system:

$ rm -rf $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/data/*

$ rm -rf $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/logs/*

7.If you do not want to keep your historical Command Center data, drop the gpperfmon database:

$ dropdb gpperfmon