List Append Only / Append Organized table details in Greenplum
Post date: May 27, 2015 10:12:34 PM
sachi=# SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name ,c.relname AS table_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_appendonly a ,pg_catalog.pg_class c ,pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.oid = a.relid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND a.compresstype IS NULL ;
schema_name | table_name
public | bar
public | bar1
(2 rows)
sachi=# \d bar
Append-Only Table ""
Column | Type | Modifiers
a | integer |
b | text |
Compression Type: None
Compression Level: 0
Block Size: 32768
Checksum: t
Distributed by: (a)
sachi=# \d bar1
Append-Only Table "public.bar1"
Column | Type | Modifiers
a | integer |
b | text |
Compression Type: None
Compression Level: 0
Block Size: 32768
Checksum: t
Distributed by: (a)
sachi=# SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name ,c.relname AS table_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_appendonly a ,pg_catalog.pg_class c ,pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.oid = a.relid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace ;
schema_name | table_name
public | bar
public | bar1
public | foo
public | sales
public | xyz
(5 rows)
sachi=# \d foo
Append-Only Table ""
Column | Type | Modifiers
a | integer |
b | text |
Compression Type: zlib
Compression Level: 5
Block Size: 32768
Checksum: t
Distributed by: (a)
sachi=# \d sales
Append-Only Columnar Table "public.sales"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer |
date | date |
amt | numeric(10,2) |
Checksum: t
Distributed by: (id)
sachi=# \d xyz
Append-Only Columnar Table ""
Column | Type | Modifiers
date_hour | timestamp without time zone |
mv | character varying(255) |
visits | numeric |
Checksum: t
Distributed by: (date_hour, mv, visits)
sachi=# SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name ,c.relname AS table_name, a.compresstype FROM pg_catalog.pg_appendonly a ,pg_catalog.pg_class c ,pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.oid = a.relid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace ;
schema_name | table_name | compresstype
public | bar |
public | bar1 |
public | foo | zlib
public | sales | quicklz
public | xyz | quicklz
(5 rows)
sachi=# \d pg_catalog.pg_appendonly
Table "pg_catalog.pg_appendonly"
Column | Type | Modifiers
relid | oid | not null
blocksize | integer | not null
safefswritesize | integer | not null
compresslevel | smallint | not null
majorversion | smallint | not null
minorversion | smallint | not null
checksum | boolean | not null
compresstype | text |
columnstore | boolean |
segrelid | oid |
segidxid | oid |
blkdirrelid | oid |
blkdiridxid | oid |
version | integer |
visimaprelid | oid |
visimapidxid | oid |
"pg_appendonly_relid_index" UNIQUE, btree (relid)
sachi=# \d pg_catalog.pg_class
Table "pg_catalog.pg_class"
Column | Type | Modifiers
relname | name | not null
relnamespace | oid | not null
reltype | oid | not null
relowner | oid | not null
relam | oid | not null
relfilenode | oid | not null
reltablespace | oid | not null
relpages | integer | not null
reltuples | real | not null
reltoastrelid | oid | not null
reltoastidxid | oid | not null
relaosegrelid | oid | not null
relaosegidxid | oid | not null
relhasindex | boolean | not null
relisshared | boolean | not null
relkind | "char" | not null
relstorage | "char" | not null
relnatts | smallint | not null
relchecks | smallint | not null
reltriggers | smallint | not null
relukeys | smallint | not null
relfkeys | smallint | not null
relrefs | smallint | not null
relhasoids | boolean | not null
relhaspkey | boolean | not null
relhasrules | boolean | not null
relhassubclass | boolean | not null
relfrozenxid | xid | not null
relacl | aclitem[] |
reloptions | text[] |
"pg_class_oid_index" UNIQUE, btree (oid)
"pg_class_relname_nsp_index" UNIQUE, btree (relname, relnamespace)
sachi=# SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name ,c.relname AS table_name, c.reltype,c.relowner,c.relpages, c.relkind,c.relstorage,c.relhasindex,a.compresstype, a.compresslevel,a.columnstore FROM pg_catalog.pg_appendonly a ,pg_catalog.pg_class c ,pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.oid = a.relid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace ;
schema_name | table_name | reltype | relowner | relpages | relkind | relstorage | relhasindex | compresstype | compresslevel | columnstore
public | bar | 37322 | 17146 | 0 | r | a | f | | 0 | f
public | bar1 | 37354 | 17146 | 0 | r | a | f | | 0 | f
public | foo | 37386 | 17146 | 0 | r | a | f | zlib | 5 | f
public | sales | 37446 | 17146 | 1 | r | c | f | quicklz | 1 | t
public | xyz | 37476 | 17146 | 0 | r | c | f | quicklz | 1 | t
(5 rows)