Post date: Jan 20, 2014 8:54:25 PM
gpadmin=# \d gp_toolkit.gp_locks_on_resqueue
View "gp_toolkit.gp_locks_on_resqueue"
Column | Type | Modifiers
lorusename | name |
lorrsqname | name |
lorlocktype | text |
lorobjid | oid |
lortransaction | xid |
lorpid | integer |
lormode | text |
lorgranted | boolean |
lorwaiting | boolean |
View definition:
SELECT pgsa.usename AS lorusename, pgrq.rsqname AS lorrsqname, pgl.locktype AS lorlocktype, pgl.objid AS lorobjid, pgl.transaction AS lortransaction, AS lorpid, pgl.mode AS lormode, pgl.granted AS lorgranted, pgsa.waiting AS lorwaiting
FROM pg_stat_activity pgsa
JOIN pg_locks pgl ON pgsa.procpid =
JOIN pg_resqueue pgrq ON pgl.objid = pgrq.oid;
lorusename=>Name of the user executing the session.
lorrsqname=>The resource queue name.
lorlocktype=>Type of the lockable object: resource queue
lorobjid=>The ID of the locked transaction.
lortransaction=>The ID of the transaction that is affected by the lock.
lorpid=>The process ID of the transaction that is affected by the lock.
lormode=>The name of the lock mode held or desired by this process.
lorgranted=>Displays whether the lock is granted (true) or not granted (false).
lorwaiting=>Displays whether or not the session is waiting.
This view shows any locks currently being held on a resource queue, and the associated session information about the query associated with the lock. This view is accessible to all users, however non-superusers will only be able to see the locks associated with their own sessions.
gpadmin=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_locks_on_resqueue;
lorusename | lorrsqname | lorlocktype | lorobjid | lortransaction | lorpid | lormode | lorgranted | lorwaiting
(0 rows)