Setting up the Command Center Console
Post date: Nov 08, 2012 8:27:35 PM
The gpcmdr utility sets up the Command Center Console on the current host. On hosts other than the Greenplum master host, the console experiences slower performance due to frequent connections to the gpperfmon database.
Set up the Command Center Environment Variable
During the setup process, the utility prompts you for values to configure Console connections to a single Greenplum Database instance. To configure connections to multiple Greenplum Database instances, run the setup routine multiple times. To accept the displayed default values for any of these parameters at configuration time, hit the ENTER key.
Set up the Greenplum Command Center Console
1.Log in as the Greenplum administrator (gpadmin).
2.Stop the Greenplum Database.
3.Add the following environmental variable in your user’s startup shell profile (such as ~/.bashrc)
GPPERFMONHOME – the Command Center home directory
For example:
Ensure that this file has entries for file and MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY. See the Greenplum Database Administrator Guide for details.
4.Save and source the .bashrc file.
5.Start the Database.
6.With the Greenplum Database instance running, launch the setup utility. For example:
$ gpcmdr --setup
7.Provide an instance name for the Greenplum Database instance monitored by this Console. To monitor multiple instances, you must run the setup utility separately for each instance.
8.Select y or n to specify if the Greenplum Database master for this instance is on a remote host. Note that Console performance is better when the Console and Greenplum Database master are on the same host.
If the master host is remote, enter y and enter the hostname of the master at the prompt.
9.Provide a display name for the instance. This name is shown in the Console user interface. This prompt does not appear if the master host is remote.
10.Provide the port for the Greenplum Database master instance.
11.Provide a port number for the Command Center Console web server. The default is 28080.
12.(Optional) Enter y or n to set up SSL connections for the Command Center Console. If you enter Y, you are prompted for the following distinguished name (DN) information used to create an unsigned certificate for the Command Center Console. For example:
Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:California
Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:San Mateo
Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:Greenplum
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Engineering
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:mdw1
Email Address []
Note: Because database login information is sent over the network, Greenplum recommends using SSL to encrypt these communications.
13.Enter y to enable IPv6 support. IPv6 support is disabled by default.
14.Enter y or n to specify whether you want this installation copied to a Standby Master. If you enter Y, you are subsequently prompted for the Standby Master host name.
15.Start and log into the Console. See “Connecting to the Greenplum Command Center Console”.
You can also configure authentication so that other Greenplum users can log into the Console, as described in “Configuring Authentication for the Command Center Console” .