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List of present/future eBooks available to Gold Members for Free!!!

1. Greenplum Database Utilities - Preview Available now

2. Greenplum Database Handbook - Preview Available June 2014

This book is intended for Sr. Greenplum Database Administrators. Covers DCA V1 and V2, DIA, Data Domain and Chorus

3. Greenplum Database Beginners Guide - Preview Available August 2014

A must have book for learning the Greenplum Database.Covers Greenplum Database 4.2.x, DCA V1 and V2, DIA, Data Domain and Chorus

Other eBooks

4. Greenplum Database Pocket Reference - Coming next year!

A must have book for every greenplum developers and DBAs. Includes Greenplum commands and utilities to manage the Greenplum Database System.

5. Greenplum Database Performance Tuning V1 - Coming next year!

This book is intended for Greenplum database performance engineer. Includes greenplum database best practice.

6. Greenplum database backup and restore V1 - Coming next year!

This book is intended for Greenplum database backup engineer. Includes greenplum database DR solutions.

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