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Greenplum DBA
Greenplum DBA Home Page
check locks on table
3 Ways to get table last vacuum analyze details
How to read Access Control List in Greenplum
Exploring Greenplum gpperfmon database
SQL to Generate DDL for a function in Greenplum
Check table grants in Greenplum
Liability Disclaimer
About us
Greenplum DBA FAQ
3 ways to backup Greenplum database
4 parameters used to configure and monitor disk space alerts using emc call home feature
A simple shell script to redistribute, index and analyze table in Greenplum
Activating standby master when primary master goes down
Altering a table storage, distribution policy in Greenplum
Append-Optimized Tables - New Feature in Greenplum V3.0
AVOIDING DOUBLE FAULTS in Greenplum Database
Best practice for creating indexes in greenplum
Changing Greenplum configuration parameter using gpconfig
Changing the table distribution policy in Greenplum
Changing the value of a Greenplum Database configuration parameter using "set" command
Checking Database Object Sizes and Disk Space in Greenplum using gp_toolkit schema views
Checking for Tables that Need Routine Maintenance
Checking list of security definer functions in GPDB
Checking physical file associated with a table
Checking stats of the Greenplum database
Command based and URL based web external tables example
Comparing Greenplum schema
Concurrency Control in Greenplum Database
Connecting as another user without their password
Copy table and data from dev (half DCA rac) to test env (full DCA rac) with copy
Creating a test case for bloat and understanding how it works in Greenplum
Data types to be used and avoid in a distribution in Greenplum
Database, schema, and table sizes in Greenplum
Date Difference Ffunction
Date/Time Functions and Operators
DCA failover
DCA_SETUP utility
Difference between CSV and TEXT formats used in external table definitions
Displaying information from PSQL command prompt
DR Options in Greenplum Env
Duplicate rows in pg_partition_columns
Enable and disable indexes in Greenplum like oracle
Enable PQO (Pivotal Query Optimizer) at the database level
Enable PQO for a specific user/role
ERROR: permission denied: "gp_segment_configuration" is a system catalog
ERROR: permission denied: no privilege to create a readable gpfdist(s) external table
ERROR: Function cannot execute on segment because it accesses ...
Exploring pg_stat_last_operation
Fault Detection and Recovery
Finding Bad table name in Greenplum
Finding distribution key of a table
Finding distribution keys of all greenplum database tables
Finding partition keys in Greenplum
Finding Syntax of a PSQL command
Finding table creation time in Greenplum
Finding the status of running greenplum database system
Fixing ERROR: index "pg_class_relname_nsp_index" contains unexpected zero page at block 64 (seg46 sdw8:40004 pid=15677)
Fixing size bloat in Greenplum tables
Gathering Information for Greenplum Support
Generate Scripts to grant DML priv to other user or role
Get DDL for all schema in your database in Greenplum
GP functions in pg_catalog schema
GP license audit
gp toolkit schema views to view Greenplum database server log files
gp toolkit views to diagnose queries and sessions that are waiting to access an object due to a lock
gp_toolkit schema objects (function and view) to check parameter settings across all primary postgresql.conf files in the system
Gpfdist session is dying while running multiple gpload session from Informatica
gpssh-exkeys -h hostname issues when installing greenplum
gpstart command fails to start the Greenplum Database
Grant user priv to access schema
Greenplum Segments failed with "stuck spinlock" error during concurrent IO activity on the database.
Greenplum super user permission issue
Greenplum catalog partition tables, views and functions
Greenplum database (GPDB) AWR report light and advanced version
Greenplum database ASH (active session history) Report
Greenplum database development and administration tools
Greenplum Database Management Utility Log Files
Greenplum Database Parallel Backup and Restore Operations - Few Facts
Greenplum database resource queues - way to limit available resources to database users
Handling schema names starting with numeric during maintenance operation
How data is stored in Greenplum
How do I install pgcrypto?
How do I remove a segment node from Greenplum cluster while database is up and running?
How to collect Greenplum DCA software (ISO) version, Greenplum Database version, and DCA serial number
How to setup EMC Connect on the Greenplum Data Computing Appliance (DCA)
How to add an unsupported time zone to the Greenplum Database?
How to alter table distribution policy in greenplum?
How to assign lowest priority to any long-running query
How to backup a table/set of tables in greenplum
How to backup database in Greenplum?
How to boost database backup performance
How to change gpadmin unix user account password in Greenplum DCA env
How to check failed Segments
How to check interconnect performance in Greenplum Appliance
How to check table creation time in Greenplum
How to Check the Compression and Distribution of an Append-Only Table
How to Check the DCA software version and Check the Greenplum Database version
How to clean up table in all segments created by an aborted transactions
How to collect information on hung Greenplum Database processes
How to collect logs for the Greenplum DCA Product
How to Configuring SNMP events on a Greenplum DCA
How to debug bad performing queries due to uneven data distribution
How to enable use of Oracle databases in Greenplum chorus
How to find active and historical SQL queries in Greenplum database
How to find dependent views created on any table in Greenplum database
How to find last ALTAR TABLE DDL on a table in Greenplum
How to find resource queue parameter settings?
How to find table creation/access time in Greenplum
How to fix function based index that is not working in Greenplum
How to fix gpssh when it is hanging?
How to get a timestamp of when a user last accessed any Greenplum data
How to identify distribution keys when moving from Oracle to Greenplum
How to Identify the version of the installed DCA software
How to kill all idle connections in Greenplum database cluster
How to limit Concurrent Connections in Greenplum
How to modify Global User Configuration (GUC) values in a Greenplum cluster
How to move a table from one schema to another schema
How to recover a failed segment
How To reproduce the build configuration of the current Greenplum Database installation
How to run a command in all the segment simultaneously
How to script utility mode commands on all segments?
How to troubleshoot Greenplum file distribution program (gpfdist) issues
How to understand the segment mode and status of gp_segment_configuration table
How to update catalog table in maintenance mode in Greenplum Database 4.2
How to upgrade PERC firmware, server BIOS and OMSA
How to view Data Distribution across segment Servers?
Important gp_% tables and views
Incorrect results in restores of data from a backup using gpdbrestore and gp_restore utilities
Incremental Backup in Greenplum Database
Information about Greenplum Schema, Tables and Columns
Installing Greenplum Community Edition on MacBook - Getting Error on gpssh-exkeys after turning off Firewall and checking Remote Login
Investigating and Preventing Performance issues in Greenplum
INVOKER and DEFINER rights of PGSQL function
LDAP Security
Limitations of Partitioned Tables on Greenplum Database
Limited data restore functionality and/or restore performance issues can occur when restoring tables from a full database backup where the default backup directory was not used
Linux 6.1 public key authentication issue
List all tables in your database - largest first - largest by no of relpages
List all tables in your database - largest first - largest in terms of no or row or tuples
List Append Only / Append Organized table details in Greenplum
List no of columns in a table in Greenplum
List of GP configuration parameters supported by gpconfig
List of system-level schemas in Greenplum
List of table created in last 30 days
List of tables altered in last 10 days
List of tables in the GPPERFMON database
List of tables not analyzed in last 3 days
List of tables not vacuumed in last 3 days
Listing table size of all schema tables.
Log related views in the gp_toolkit schema
MADLib and MADLib pivot function
Making a duplicate copy of a schema in the same database without data in Greenplum
Monitoring distribution keys in Greenplum
Monitoring Greenplum database log files
Most common connectivity issues with Greenplum database
NaN - Not a Numeric or Not a Number error in Greenplum
New Parameters in GPDB 4.3 and onward
Non-Parallel Backup Support in Greenplum
Oracle rownum in Greenplum
Out of Memory error in Greenplum?
Parameter Setting Precedence.
Partition Information
PERC and PERC learn cycle
pg_default resource queue
pg_stat_activity not showing current_query text
PSQL exit status
Query execution process is greenplum
Recovery (bring GPDB up) from "FATAL:Global sequence number 1131954 less than maximum value 1131958 found in scan ('gp_persistent_relation_node')
Resource Queue activity and status check using gp_toolkit schema views
Retrieving information about tables and views
rpm's for DCA v2
Sample script to performs a VACUUM of the Greenplum Database system catalog
Save PSQL query output to CSV file in Greenplum
Schema search path
Select runs but insert failing in Greenplum database
Show all grants
Size of partitioned table
Slow disk performance with dcaperfcheck
SNMP Version 1, 2c and 3
Spill or workfile configuration parameters
SQL query to list group role along with its members
SQL to display percent free space in Greenplum
SQL to review distribution across all segments
Summary Of New Features in Greenplum Database 4.3.X.X
Table and index size (including partitioned tables)
Table row counts
tablespace in Greenplum database
Testing gpload utility in greenplum SNE env
Third party client tools supported by Greenplum
Tips for supporting Greenplum on the Linux OS
Troubleshooting BOE connection error to GPDB using Data direct driver after SSL is turned on on GPDB
Two important connection parameters for Greenplum DBA's
Understanding default values of general configuration parameters related to resource queue
Understanding gp_skew_coefficients and gp_skew_idle_fractions gp_toolkit views to monitor Skew in Greenplum
Understanding Greenplum Bloat on heap, AO and AO columnar tables by examples and how to remove it.
Understanding Query iterator
Upon running gpstart, the start process fails with an unknown error.
Users, Group roles, Group role user mapping, priv granted to a role etc
Using gp_toolkit schema view to check Failed Segments
Using SNMP with a Greenplum Database System
Vacuuming an append-optimized table
Viewing current user, current schema and search path in greenplum
Viewing partitions in greenplum
viewing tablespace and filespace information in greenplum
Viewing Users and Groups (Roles)
VIP Monitoring
Web External Tables
What are different types of storage model for Greenplum database tables?
What are immutable, stable and volatile functions in greenplum
What are the recommended ODBC parameters for Greenplum?
What are the Table Distribution Policy in Greenplum
What information is required to file a Jira for Greenplum RCA request for failed segments or standby master?
What is "gang" in greenplum
What is Disk Spill and how to view information about all the queries that are currently using disk spill space
What is GUC in Greenplum
What is Run-length Encoding in Greenplum?
what is the Best practices for a health check after a crashed segment node is brought back to a Greenplum cluster
What is the Default Compression Values in Greenplum
What should an application do if they get an “out of memory” error?
What to do when gpperfmon GUI shows incorrect results in the current queries running
What's new in greenplum database 4.2.2
Workload configuration parameters in greenplum
Worst Performing SQL (taking more than 30 minutes) in Greenplum in last 2 days
Whats New in Greenplum 6.19
DBA Scripts Download - Members Only
Pivotal GPDB Documents
GreenplumDBA LinkedIn Group
GreenplumDBA Members Club
GreenplumDBA Home
Advanced Table Functions in Greenplum
Aggregate Expressions in Greenplum
Allowing Connections to Greenplum Database
Analytic, Grouping and Stored functions in Greenplum
Auditiing in greenplum
List all SQL statements run over a certain period of time
AWR Report in Greenplum Database
Added a separate section to show resource queue
Backing up Greenplum Chorus
Backup and Restore in Greenplum
Backup a table or list of tables in Greenplum using gpcrondump
Copy table from one database to another
Dump DDL for all schema in your database to a file in Greenplum
DUMP DDL of a table in Greenplum
Dump files created during (gp_dump) greenplum parallel backup command
Exploring GPDB gpcrondump command and files created by gpcrondump
Exploring gpdbrestore command
gpcrondump and gpdbrestore
GPDBRESTORE Example 1- backup set of tables and restore it to a new database
How to copy the gpperfmon data from DCA1 to DCA2
How to make a copy of a schema in the same database in Greenplum?
How to make a copy of greenplum database without backup and restore
Running a Parallel Backup in Greenplum
Script to backup and replicate database using ddboost in DR env
Changed Features in Greenplum Database 3.0
Changing the default Greenplum database port
Changing the Master Port (5432) in Greenplum
Character Set Conversion Between Server and Client in Greenplum
Check for skew in Greenplum
Checking database activity in Greenplum
Checking for Locks in Greenplum
Client Connection Default Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Collecting and monitoring table statistics in Greenplum
Command Center Administration
Command Center Configuration File Reference
Command Center Database (gpperfmon) Reference
Command Center FAQ
Command Center Utility Reference
Common psql meta-commands
How to use PSQL in greenplum
Greenplum Sorting Functions like Oracle
Common Terminology in Greenplum Database
Configuration Parameter Categories
Configure Greenplum Chorus with an SSL certificate.
Configure sendmail on DCA servers to send out emails via your SMTP server
Configuring gpperfmon disk usage alert threshold
Configuring Greenplum Chorus
Setting up Greenplum Chorus 2.4
Connection and Authentication configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Correlated Subqueries (CSQs) in Greenplum
Create readable/writable external/ external web table command in Greenplum
Create a user (role) or role(group) in Greenplum
Creating a database in Greenplum
creating a function in Greenplum
Creating a schema in greenplum
Creating a Table in Greenplum
Creating a view in Greenplum
Creating EXTERNAL Tables - Examples
Customizing greenplum
Data Domain
Data Domain MIB
Data Domain Systems
DD 990 Hardware Preview
EMC Data Domain DD990
Installing and configuring the Data Domain system with the DCA
Data Domain Commands
Command Changes in DD OS Version 5.4
DCA Administration switch
DCA Error Codes
DCA Hardware and OS monitoring
DCA Information SQL
DCA Security FAQ
Account and Access Control
Best Practices for Password Management
General Best Practices to Counter Security Threats
How to Implement Inactivity Time-out for Login Shells
Protect Accounts by Configuring PAM
System Accounting with auditd
Verify Permissions on Important Files and Directories
DCA Storage and omreport
DCA to DCA Transfer of Data in Greenplum Env
DCA utilities
DCA version 1
DCA version 2
DCA architecture
DCA configuration rules
Key DCA performance
What are DCA key features?
What are main components of DCA
What is EMC Data Computing Appliance (DCA)
Debugging SQL Query Performance Issues
Deciding on a table partition strategy in Greenplum
Deprecated Feature in Greenplum Database 4.3
Determining Acceptable Performance in Greenplum
Diagnosing and Troubleshooting issues in Greenplum Env
Disable kerberos keys when eating problems SecureCRT and SecureFX
Download Greenplum DBA Scripts
Dynamic Analyze Configuration and Functions
Dynamic script to grant all tables and functions for a schema to another user or role
Enabling LDAP Support
Encrypting Client/Server Connections in Greenplum Database
Encryption in Greenplum Database
Error Reporting and Logging Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Exploring gp_toolkit schema tables, views and functions
Exploring gpperfmon schema tables and views
Iterator Metric Terminology
Exploring High Availability Feature of Greenplum Database
Exploring relationship between Greenplum Instance, database, schema, group, users and schema objects
Create Table DDL function
Find if a user belongs to any groups
Finding relationship between username, schemaname, owner, objectname and acl on that object
List schema and user grants
Exploring the advantage of web external tables in greenplum
External Table Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Fetching function definitions from GPDB
Formatting Data Files for Greenplum LOAD/UNLOAD process
Free Space Map Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Frequently used unix commands by Greenplum DBA's
auto start sshd at boot time
Coomad to add an entry in the pg_hba.conf file of all the segments including master
Date Difference function in unix
ethtool command
hostname command
How to get a one row select into bash variables named for each column in the row
ifconfig command
netstat command
nslookup command
ping command
Read a File Line By Line in UNIX
route command
Routine maintenance jobs from Greenplum database
sample wrapper shell scripts for Unix newbie
Using grep and awk to filter our idle connections
Gathering Information for Greenplum Support
GemFire XD
Google Apps for work
gp toolkit schema
gp_toolkit views for quick diag and reporting
GPDB Log file locations
gpfdist error
gpfdist error code = 104 (Connection reset by peer)
gpfdists (a secured version of gpfdist protocol)
Testing gpfdists
GPKILL Utility
GPLOAD utility in greenplum
gptransfer utility in Greenplum
Grant command in Greenplum
Granting create external table priv to a role.
Granting DDL priv to another user in Greenplum
Grants and Priv in Greenplum
Grants and Revoke Priv in Greenplum
Change the ownership of database objects owned by a database role in Greenplum
GRANT on Database Objects
Grant on Protocols
Greenplum and Informatica integration
Greenplum Array Configuration Parameters
Greenplum built-in windows functions
Greenplum Chorus
Greenplum Command Center data collection agents Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Greenplum Command Center Features and references
About the Command Center Installation
Accessing Command Center Data using SNMP
Command Center Agent Administration
Command Center Agent Parameters
Command Center Database Administration
Command Center Database Reference
Command Center Utility Reference
Command Center Web Server (lighttpd)Administration
Configuring Authentication for the Command Center Console
Configuring Greenplum Command Center
Enabling the Data Collection Agents
Installing the Greenplum Command Center Console
Setting up the Command Center Console
Starting and Stopping Greenplum Command Center
Uninstalling Greenplum Command Center
Viewing Historical Query Metrics using SQLin Greenplum Command Center
Viewing Historical System Metrics using SQLin Greenplum command Center
Greenplum Configuration Parameters
Greenplum Data Domain
Greenplum Database
Greenplum Database Monitoring and Maintenance
Greenplum Database - New Features
Greenplum Database - Useful Links
Greenplum Database 4.3 Upgrade Checklist
Greenplum database admin utilities
Greenplum Database Alert log monitoring
Greenplum Database and Tablespace/Filespace Configuration Parameters
Greenplum Database Architecture
Greenplum database authentication, encryption and Security
Greenplum Database Backend Server Programs corresponding to PostgreSQL
Greenplum database beginners guide
Greenplum database catalog monitoring and repair
Greenplum Database Cheat Sheet
Greenplum Database Client Utility
Greenplum Database Data Types
Greenplum Database DBA Handbook - Preview
Greenplum Database DBA References
Greenplum database env - Best practice
Avoiding Data Skew - Best Practice
Avoiding “Out of Memory” Issues
GPDB Data Unloading Options
Killing hung process
Monitoring Greenplum Database Locks
What are the best practices for ANALYZE?
Greenplum Database File Structure
Greenplum Database Log Files
Greenplum database maintenance and monitoring
Basic check to see if the master is up and functioning
check for FATAL and ERROR log messages from the system
Check if distributed query is functional on all segments
Check if one or more Greenplum segments are down
Check segments that are currently in change tracking mode
Check segments that are currently resyncing
Check segments that are in a non-optimal role
Check the state of the master mirroring.
Greenplum Database Maintenance and Performance Monitoring Report Scripts
Finding distribution keys of all tables in the greenplum database
Running smart vacuum and analyze in pre-specified maintenance window
Sachi's bloat table maintenance script in Greenplum database
Sachi's daily catalog maintenance scripts - Run vacuum, reindex and analyze on user selected database
Sachi's greenplum catalog bloat maintenance script
Sachi's greenplum database weekly/daily index maintenance scripts
Sachi's Greenplum user database maintenance script
Greenplum Database Maintenance Scripts for Greenplum DBA's
Greenplum Database Management Utilities
Greenplum Database Maximum Limits
Greenplum Database Minimum Package Versions
Greenplum Database New Feature - External table support to Hadoop distributions and MapR
Greenplum Database New Features - Append-Optimized Tables and compaction information
Greenplum Database New Features - Database Security, Authentication and Encryption
Greenplum Database New Features - Enhancements in Managing and Migrating Greenplum Database Objects and Data
Greenplum Database New Features - Greenplum Database Extension Enhancements
Greenplum Database New Features - High Availability
Greenplum Database New Features - Improved Command Center Performance
greenplum database new features - Incremental Analyze
Greenplum Database New Features - New Server Configuration parameters
Greenplum Database New Features - Organization of Greenplum Database Administration Documentation
Greenplum Database New Features - Query Optimizer and Management of query execution
Greenplum database new features - Table storage options and distribution policy
Greenplum Database New Features - Utilities ( gpload, gpstop, gpdbrestore, gpfdist, gpssh) enhancements
Greenplum database optimization - tips and tricks
Optimizing Data Distribution
Optimizing Database Design
Greenplum Database Patching and upgrades
Greenplum Database Performance Issues - FAQ
Active Sessions
What are the Common Causes of Performance Issues in Greenplum Database?
Greenplum Database Performance Tuning
Analyzing Query plans
Checking Query Disk Spill Space Usage
Choose data types that use the least possible space
Computational Skew vs Data Skew
Data distributions, Data Skew and local joins
Data Types to Avoid in a DISTRIBUTION KEY
Data Types to use in a Distribution Key
Get faster vacuums
Greenplum Database Storage Model
GUCs for Improving Short Running Queries
GUCs for Index Selection
How to determine acceptable performance in Greenplum
How to reclaim all expired row space
Limiting the CPU and Priority of a job
Maintaining database statistics
Maximizing load/unload performance by optimizing gpfdist performance
Maximizing Performance using partitioning
Monitoring Greenplum Database System Resources Utilization
Most common causes of performance issues in Greenplum and its solution
Optimizing greenplum database design
Performance testing for PWX for GP
Reading EXPLAIN ANALYZE Output in Greenplum
Reading the query plan in Greenplum
SELECT in Greenplum
The SQL to review distribution across all segments
Tuning Statistics Collection in Greenplum Database
Understanding Greenplum Database Performance Factors
Using Indexes to improve performance
VACUUM Regularly
What is Free Space Map? How to size it?
What to Look for in a Query Plan
Greenplum Database Performance Tuning
Greenplum Database Pocket Reference
Greenplum Database Reference Books
Greenplum Database Release Notes
Greenplum Database 4.2.5 Release Notes
Greenplum Database Release Notes
Greenplum Database Release Notes
Greenplum Database Release Notes
Greenplum Database Release Notes
Greenplum Database Release Notes
Greenplum Database state monitoring
Greenplum Database Supported Character Set
Greenplum Database Supported Platforms
Greenplum Database System Catalog Monitoring
Greenplum Database Training
Greenplum Database Tutorial
Greenplum Database Users FAQ
Can I benchmark Greenplum Database against other databases or NoSQL Solutions and publish the results on my blog or share it with a third party?
Can I develop an application using Greenplum Database Community Edition and sell it for commercial use?
Can I use Greenplum Database: Community Edition on my 100-node test cluster?
Do's and don'ts for Greenplum database users
Does DIA supports health monitoring and ConnectEMC dial home notifications?
Does Greenplum Database provide compliance with SQL Standards or is it a NoSQL Database?
Encrypting Data in Greenplum
ETL Hosts for Data Loading
For which client side languages does Greenplum have interfaces?
Greenplum DB and database triggers
Greenplum DB and create Rule on SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on table
Greenplum Environment Variables
How do we monitor greenplum database performance?
how often the data in *_now table moved to *_history tables
How to check database activity?
How to Check Resource Queue Status?
How to estimate how much data your Greenplum Database system can accommodate
How to free space from expired rows / deleted rows in greenplum?
How to load data into greenplum database using external tables?
I am a Greenplum/EMC partner and I want to demo an application using Greenplum Database. Is that allowed?
I am having some problems installing and/or using Greenplum Database Community Edition. Does Greenplum provide any support for Greenplum Database Community Edition?
Is Greenplum a Column-Oriented Database?
Is Greenplum Database ACID compliant and, if so, can I use it for transaction processing (OLTP applications)?
Is Greenplum Database the same as Postgres database?
Procedural language supported by Greenplum
Simulating Row and Column Level Access Control
What are the limitations of the Greenplum Database: Community Edition License?
What data size limits does the Greenplum database have?
What is unique about Greenplum Database architecture?
What kinds of analytics can be performed on Greenplum?
why I can't see the *_now tables in pgadmIII and using \dt command while I could retrieve the data from *_now tables?
Greenplum Database Utilities -Book Preview
Greenplum DBA - Common Terminology used in Greenplum Database
Greenplum DBA - Frequently used commands
Greenplum DBA Handbook
Greenplum DBA interview Questions
Greenplum DBA Jobs
Greenplum DBA - Full time
Greenplum Developer
Senior Database Administrator (Greenplum PostgreSQL)
Greenplum DBA Quick References
Greenplum DBA routine tasks
Greenplum DBA useful scripts and queries
Greenplum DCA
Greenplum DCA Common storage commands
Greenplum DCA performance monitoring SQL
Greenplum DCA V2 Server Configurations
Greenplum DCA vs Oracle and others DW appliances
Greenplum Developers and app DBA quick command reference
Greenplum DIA
Greenplum HD
Greenplum Interconnect
Greenplum Master
Greenplum Master Host Server Specification
Greenplum Oracle compatibility packages
Oracle and Greenplum Implementation Differences
Oracle Compatibility Functions Reference
Greenplum Parallel Data Loading
Greenplum PostGIS Extension
Greenplum Reference Architecture
Greenplum Segments
Greenplum System Catalog Maintenance
Greenplum System DBA quick command reference
Greenplum Workload Management
Greenplum XML support
Greenplum-database-new-features - Workfile Disk Spill Space
Greenplum-Problem-Solution Approach
GreenplumDBA Gold Members Membership Subscription
Helpful commands and utilities for Greenplum DBA's
Helpful SQL queries for Greenplum DBA's
Hostfiles created by the DCA Setup utility
How can we find full query running in the database?
how to check schema creation date in greenplum
How to check the greenplum state
How to find details about external tables in GPDB
How to find timestamp of table when it was created in Greenplum
How to list all external tables in your schema
Increasing the Memory of Greenplum Chorus
Index bloat in Greenplum
Installation Management Utilities
Installing Greenplum Chorus
Installing Greenplum Database
Installing Greenplum Tools and Utilities
Installing the Greenplum Client Tools on commodity server
Installing the Greenplum Connectivity Tools on commodity server
Installing the greenplum database
Email link after you register for Greenplum CE download
Installing Greenplum Community Edition (CE)
Installing Greenplum SNE on Ubuntu Linux
Installing the Greenplum Load Tools on commodity server
Investigating Error Messages in Greenplum
Key things to look in Greenplum SQL Query Plans
Known Issues in Greenplum Database
Known Issues in Greenplum Database Related to Backup and Restore
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Database Catalog and Metadata
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Database Installer
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Database Replication(Segment Mirroring, Resync, Transaction Management)
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Database Resource Management
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Database Security
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum DDL/DML( Partitioning) and Utility Statements
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum loader (gpload, gpfdist)
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Management Scripts Suite
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Greenplum Upgrade/Downgrade
Known issues in Greenplum Database related to Interconnect
Known issues in Greenplum database related to Query Planner
Limiting Concurrent Connections in Greenplum Database
Linux OS Kernel tuning when Installing GPDB on linux OS
Loading and Unloading data into Greenplum database
Lock Management Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Managing Roles and Privileges
Money Savings Deals for DBA's
Best Buy Best Deals
Expedia Vacation Packages Deals- Book Early and Save up to $500
Fax by email. Free trial
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Free Trial of RingCentral Fax best deals for today
Quickbooks Online - Choose the plan that's Best for your Business Today! Try Now FREE for 30 Days
Unlimited Cloud Storage
USA RingCentral Professional - Get a Toll Free Number with voicemail starting at $8.29 per month
Monitoring current activity - tables and views
Monitoring Skew
Most common security definer functions in GPDB
New Server Configuration Parameters in Greenplum 4.3.X.X Family
Operator Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Oracle like MERGE statement in in Greenplum
Out of Memory (OOM) Killer
Partitioning in Greenplum
Exploring partitions in Greenplum
pg catalog tables and views
pg_catalog tables
PLSQL Cheat Sheet
PostgreSQL quick reference
Pre/post Schema validation report before/after schema backup/restore
Query Profiling in Greenplum
Query Tuning Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
reading and writing data into external table using gpfdist
Rebuilding a New Greenplum System From Backup
Recent Greenplum Database blog post
Recovering a Failed Segment
Recovering from a Data Corruption Failure
Redistributing Tables data across GPDB Segments
Resolved Issues in Greenplum Database 4.3
Restoring Greenplum Chorus
Retrieving information about the installed version of Greenplum Database
route command in unix
Routine System Maintenance Tasks
Sachi's ADDM Report in Greenplum Database
Sachi's ASH Report for Greenplum Database
Sachi's Greenplum Catalog Maintenance Scripts
Sachi's Greenplum database maintenance and monitoring scripts
Sachi's Oracle to Greenplum Data Migration
Sachi's Scripts
Sachi's smart vacuum and analyze scripts
Sachi's SQL collections for Greenplum database DBA's
Sample Greenplum DBA Interview Questions
Scalar Subqueries in Greenplum
Schema Object Relation level Administration
Schema Size
Secure Downloads
Greenplum database tutorials
Greenplum database ebooks
Greenplum DBA Scripts
Segment Server Specifications
Sequences in Greenplum
Setting a Master Configuration Parameter
Setting Configuration parameter in Greenplum
Setting the Character Set in Greenplum
Setting Up Greenplum Command Center
Smart Analyze Greenplum Tables
SNMP on the DCA
Socket Tuning in LINUX
SQL to check database activities in Greenplum
SQL to check user details and its activities
SQL to check user details and its activities
SQL to display Database Locks and Resource Queues in Greenplum
SQL to display Database Size,Schema Size, Table and Index Size in Greenplum
SQL to display information about Resource queues in Greenplum
SQL to display table and index bloat in Greenplum
SQL to list all parameter settings in Greenplum
SQL to list Databases, Schemas, Users and Roles in Greenplum
SQL to list Grants and Privileges in Greenplum
SQL to list Schema Objects in Greenplum
SQL to monitor health check of Greenplum database
SQL to monitor partition information in Greenplum
Starting , Stopping, restarting Greenplum Chorus
Starting, Stopping, Restarting Greenplum database
System Monitoring Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
System Resource Consumption Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Top 20 frequently used commands by Greenplum DBA's
Important SQL's for Greenplum DBA's
Transaction ID Management in Greenplum
Transaction Isolation Levels in Greenplum database
Transforming XML Data in Greenplum
Troubleshooting a Failed Upgrade
Troubleshooting Greenplum Database System and DCA issues
Can't create or drop a table in schema
DCA shutdown
How to diagnose DCA controller x status: error: degraded
How to diagnose DCA memory device x status: error: critical
How to diagnose Greenplum appliance issue using the 'omreport' tool
How to enable and disable healthmon?
Standby Master DCA showing "not synchronized" . what to do?
uname command in unix
Understanding and Defining Database Performance in Greenplum
Understanding data compressions in Greenplum
Understanding gp_toolkit schema gp_size views and Checking database object sizes and disk space
Understanding Greenplum Database System
Greenplum Master Servers
Understanding memory utilization related parameters in Greenplum
Understanding Query Planning and Dispatch in Greenplum
Understanding Window Functions in Greenplum
Unloading data from Greenplum database
Upgrading Greenplum Chorus
Upgrading Greenplum Database from 4.2.x.x to 4.3
Upgrading Greenplum Database to 4.3
Useful Unix and Vi commands and references for Greenplum DBA
bash shell Startup Files
Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile when you loginto unix system with default bash shell
Sample .bashrc
Understanding routing
Upper to Lower Case in Vi
what is init.d?
using rank() and window functions in Greenplum
Vacuum and Analyze for Query Optimization
Vacuuming the Greenplum Database
Viewing Server Configuration Parameter Settings
Viewing Settings of Server Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Viewing the last operation performed
What is difference between vacuum and vacuum full in Greenplum?
What is named pipe in Unix?
what's new in Greenplum database 4.2
What's new in Greenplum database 4.3
What's New in Greenplum DCA V2
Window Expressions in Greenplum
Working with Greenplum Chorus Log Files
Workload Management Configuration Parameters in Greenplum
Writable external table initialization and file permission
Greenplum DBA
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