Greenplum database admin utilities
Management Utilities
1. gpactivatestandby: Activates a standby master host and makes it the active master for the Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
2. gpaddmirrors: Adds mirror segments to a Greenplum Database system that was initially configured without mirroring. Command Syntax and examples
3. gpbitmapreindex: Rebuilds bitmap indexes after a 3.3.x to 4.0.x upgrade. Command Syntax and examples
4. gpcheck: Verifies and validates Greenplum Database platform settings. Command Syntax and examples
5. gpcheckperf: Verifies the baseline hardware performance of the specified hosts. Command Syntax and examples
6. gpconfig: Sets server configuration parameters on all segments within a Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
7. gpcrondump: Writes out a database to SQL script files. The script files can be used to restore the database using the gpdbrestore utility. The gpcrondump utility can be called directly or from a crontab entry. Command Syntax and examples
8. gpdbrestore: Restores a database from a set of dump files generated by gpcrondump. Command Syntax and examples
9. gpdeletesystem: Deletes a Greenplum Database system that was initialized using gpinitsystem. Command Syntax and examples
10. gpdetective: Collects diagnostic information from a running Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
11. gp_dump: Writes out a database to SQL script files, which can then be used to restore the database using gp_restore. The gp_dump utility is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use gpcrondump and gpdbrestore to backup and restore Greenplum databases. Command Syntax and examples
12. gpexpand: Expands an existing Greenplum Database across new hosts in the array. Command Syntax and examples
13. gpfdist: Serves data files to or writes data files out from Greenplum Database segments. Command Syntax and examples
14. gpfilespace: Creates a filespace using a configuration file that defines per-segment file system locations. Filespaces describe the physical file system resources to be used by a tablespace. Command Syntax and examples
15. gpinitstandby: Adds and/or initializes a standby master host for a Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
16. gpinitsystem: Initializes a Greenplum Database system using configuration parameters specified in the gpinitsystem_config file. Command Syntax and examples
17. gpload: Runs a load job as defined in a YAML formatted control file. Command Syntax and examples
18. gplogfilter: Searches through Greenplum Database log files for specified entries. Command Syntax and example
19. gpmapreduce: Runs Greenplum MapReduce jobs as defined in a YAML specification document. Command Syntax and examples
20. gpmfr: Manages the Greenplum Database backup images that are stored on a local Data Domain system and a remote Data Domain system that is used for disaster recovery. Managed file replication is used for disaster recovery by the Data Domain Boost software option to transfer a backup image from one Data Domain system to another. Command Syntax and examples
21. gpmigrator: Upgrades an existing Greenplum Database 4.1.x system without mirrors to 4.3.x. Use gpmigrator_mirror to upgrade a 4.1.x system that has mirrors. Note: Using gpmigrator on a system with mirrors causes an error. Command Syntax and examples
22. gpmigrator_mirror: Upgrades an existing Greenplum Database 4.1.x system with mirrors to 4.3.x. Use gpmigrator to upgrade a 4.1.x system that does not have mirrors.
Note: Using gpmigrator_mirror on a system without mirrors causes an error. Command Syntax and examples
23. gpmovemirrors: Moves mirror segment instances to new locations. Command Syntax and examples
24. gpperfmon_install: Installs the Command Center database (gpperfmon) and optionally enables the data collection agents. Command Syntax and examples
25. gppkg: Installs Greenplum Database extensions such as pgcrypto, PL/R, PL/Java, PL/Perl, PostGIS, and MADlib, along with their dependencies, across an entire cluster. Command Syntax and examples
26. gprecoverseg: Recovers a primary or mirror segment instance that has been marked as down (if mirroring is enabled). Command Syntax and examples
27. gp_restore: Restores Greenplum databases that were backed up using gp_dump.The gp_restore utility is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use
gpcrondump and gpdbrestore to backup and restore Greenplum databases. Command Syntax and examples
28. gpscp:Copies files between multiple hosts at once. Command Syntax and examples
29. gpseginstall:Installs Greenplum Database on segment hosts. Command Syntax and examples
30. gpsnmpd: Reports on the health and state of a Greenplum Database system through SNMP. Command Syntax and examples
31. gpssh: Provides ssh access to multiple hosts at once. Command Syntax and examples
32. gpssh-exkeys: Exchanges SSH public keys between hosts. Command Syntax and examples
33. gpstart: Starts a Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
34. gpstate: Shows the status of a running Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
35. gpstop: Stops or restarts a Greenplum Database system. Command Syntax and examples
36. gpsys1: Displays information about your operating system. Command Syntax and examples
Client Utilities
1. clusterdb: Reclusters tables that were previously clustered with CLUSTER. Command Syntax and examples
2. createdb: Creates a new database. Command Syntax and examples
3. createlang: Defines a new procedural language for a database. Command Syntax and examples
4. createuser: Creates a new database role. Command Syntax and examples
5. dropdb: Removes a database. Command Syntax and examples
6. droplang: Removes a procedural language. Command Syntax and examples
7. dropuser: Removes a database role. Command Syntax and examples
8. ecpg: Embedded SQL C preprocessor. Command Syntax and examples
9. pg_config: Retrieves information about the installed version of Greenplum Database. Command Syntax and examples
10. pg_dump: Extracts a database into a single script file or other archive file. Command Syntax and examples
11. pg_dumpall: Extracts all databases in a Greenplum Database system to a single script file or other archive file. Command Syntax and examples
12. pg_restore: Restores a database from an archive file created by pg_dump. Command Syntax and examples
13. psql: Interactive command-line interface for Greenplum Database. Command Syntax and examples
14. reindexdb: Rebuilds indexes in a database. Command Syntax and examples
15. vacuumdb: Garbage-collects and analyzes a database. Command Syntax and examples
Oracle Compatibility Functions
Installing Oracle Compatibility Functions
Oracle and Greenplum Implementation Differences
Oracle Compatibility Functions Reference