gptransfer utility in Greenplum
For Greenplum Database version 4.2 and later, gptransfer copies database objects from databases in a source Greenplum Database system to databases in a destination Greenplum Database system.
{ --full |
[-d database1 [ -d database2 ... ]]
[-t db.schema.table [ -t db1.schema1.table1 ... ]]
[-f table-file] }
[--delimiter delim ]
[--skip-existing | --truncate | --drop]
[--analyze] [--validate=type ] [-x] [--dry-run]
[--schema-only ]
[--source-host=source_host [--source-port=source_port]
[--source-user=source_user] ]
[--dest-host=dest_host --source-map-file=host_map_file
[--dest-port=port] [--dest-user=dest_user] ]
[--batch-size=batch_size] [--sub-batch-size=sub_batch_size]
[--work-base-dir=work_dir] [-l log_dir]
[-v | --verbose]
[-q |--quiet]
gptransfer --version
gptransfer h |-? | --help
The gptransfer utility copies database objects from a source Greenplum Database system to a destination system. You can perform one of the following types of
1. Copy a Greenplum Database system with the --full option.
This option copies all user created databases in a source system to a different destination system. If you specify the --full option, you must specify both a
source and destination system. The destination system cannot contain any user defined databases, only the default databases postgres, template0, and template1.
2. Copy a set of database tables with a combination of the -d, -f, and -t options.
This option copies a set of database tables to a destination system. If the destination system is the same as the source system, you must also specify a
destination database with the --dest-database option. When you specify a destination database, the source database tables are copied into the specified
destination database.
If an invalid set of gptransfer options are specified, or if a specified source table or database does not exist, gptransfer returns an error and quits. No data is copied.
To copy database objects between Greenplum Database systems gptransfer utility uses:
• The Greenplum Database utility gpfdist on the source database system. The gpfdists protocol is not supported
• Writeable external tables on the source database system and readable external tables on the destination database system.
• Named pipes that transfer the data between a writeable external table and a readable external table.
When copying data into the destination system, it is redistributed on the Greenplum Database segments of the destination system. This is the flow of data when
gptransfer copies database data:
writable external table > gpfidst > named pipe > gpfdist > readable external table
When copying database data between different Greenplum Database systems, gptransfer requires a text file that lists all the source segment host names and IP
addresses. Specify the name and location of the file with the --source-map-file option. If the file is missing or not all segment hosts are listed, gptransfer returns an
error and quits. See the description of the option for file format information.
The source and destination Greenplum Database segment hosts need to be able to communicate with each other. To ensure that the segment hosts can communicate, you can use a tool such as the Linux netperf utility. If a filespace has been created for a source Greenplum Database system, a corresponding filespace must exist on the target system.
SSH keys must be exchanged between the two systems before using gptransfer. The gptransfer utility connects to the source system with SSH to create the named pipes and start the gpfdist instances. You can use the Greenplum Database gpssh-exkeys utility to exchange keys between Greenplum Database hosts.
Source and destination systems must be able to access the gptransfer work directory. The default directory is the user’s home directory. You can specify a
different directory with the --work-base-dir option.
The gptransfer utility does not move configuration files such as postgres.conf and pg_hba.conf. You must set up the destination system configuration separately.
The gptransfer utility does not move external objects such as jar files, shared object files. You must install the external objects separately.
The gptransfer utility does not move dependent database objects unless you specify the --full option. For example, if a table has a default value on a column that is a
user-defined function, that function must exist in the destination system database when using the -t, -d, or -f options.
If you move a set of database tables with the -d, -t, and -f options, and the destination table or database does not exist, gptransfer creates it.
If a table exists on the destination system and one of the options --skip-existing, --truncate, or --drop is not specified, gptransfer returns an error and quits.
If an error occurs when during the process of copying a table, or table validation fails, gptransfer continues copying the other specified tables. After gptransfer finishes,
it displays a list of tables where an error occurred, writes the names of tables that failed into a text file, and then prints the name of the file. You can use this file with the gptransfer -f option to retry copying tables.
The name of the file that contains the list of tables where errors occurred is failed_migrated_tables_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt. The yyyymmdd_hhmmss is a
time stamp when the gptransfer process was started. The file is created in the directory were gptransfer is executed.
The gp_external_max_segs server configuration parameter controls the number of segment instances that can access a single gpfdist instance simultaneously. Setting a low value might affect gptransfer performance. For information about the parameter, see the Greenplum Database Reference Guide. Limitation for the Source and Destination Systems If you are copying data from a system with a larger number of segments to a system fewer number of segment hosts. The total number of primary segments on the destination system must be greater than or equal to the total number of segment hosts on the source system.
For example, a quarter rack V1 DCA has a total of 24 primary segments. The means the source side cannot have more than 24 segment hosts (one and one-half racks).
Quiet mode, do not prompt the user for confirmation.
Run the ANALYZE command on non-system tables. The default is to not run the
ANALYZE command.
Base port for gpfdist on source segment systems. If not specified, the default is 8000.
Sets the maximum number of tables that gptransfer concurrently copies to the destination database. If not specified, the default is 2. The maximum is 10.
-d database
A source database to copy. This option can be specified multiple times to copy multiple databases to the destination system. The user defined tables and table data
is copied to the destination system. Wildcard characters are not supported. If the source database does not exist, gptransfer returns an error and quits. If a
destination database does not exist a database is created.
Not valid with the --full option.
Delimiter to use for external tables. Specify a single ASCII character that separates columns within each row of data. The default is octal character \001, the SOH
The database in the destination Greenplum Database system. If not specified, the source tables are copied into a destination system database with the same name as the source system database. This option is required if the source and destination Greenplum Database systems are the same. If destination database does not exist, it is created. Not valid with the --full option.
Destination Greenplum Database hostname or IP address. If not specified, the default is the host the system running gptransfer (
Destination Greenplum Database port number, If not specified, the default is 5432.
User ID that is used to connect to the destination Greenplum Database system. If not specified, the default is the user gpadmin.
Specify this option to drop the table that is in the destination database if it already exists. Before copying table data, gptransfer drops the table and creates it again.
At most, only one of the options can be specified --skip-existing, --truncate, or --drop. If one of them is not specified and the table exists in the destination
system, gptransfer returns an error and quits. Not valid with the --full option.
When you specify this option, gptransfer generates a list of the migration operations that would have been performed with the specified options. The data is
not migrated. The information is displayed at the command line and written to the log file.
-f table-file
The location and name of file containing list of fully qualified table names to copy from the Greenplum Database source system. In the text file, you specify a single
fully qualified table per line. Wildcard characters are not supported.
If the source table does not exist, gptransfer returns an error and quits. If the destination database or table does not exist, it is created.
Only the table and table data is copied. Dependent objects are not copied. You cannot specify views, or system catalog tables. The --full option copies
views. Not valid with the --full option.
Full migration of a Greenplum Database source system to a destination system. You must specify the options for the destination system, the --source-map-file
option, the --dest-host option, and if necessary, the other destination system options.
The --full option cannot be specified with the -t, -d, or -f options.
A full migration copies all database objects including, tables, users, roles, functions, and resource queues for all user defined databases. The default databases, postgres, template0 and template1 are not moved. If a database exists in the destination system, besides the default postgres, template0 and template1 databases, gptransfer returns an error and quits.
-l log_dir
Specify the gptransfer log file directory. If not specified, the default is ~/AdminLogs.
Sets the maximum allowed data row length in bytes for the gpfidst utility. If not specified, the default is 10485760. Valid range is 32768 (32K) to 268435456
Should be used when user data includes very wide rows (or when line too long error message occurs). Should not be used otherwise as it increases resource
-q | --quiet
If specified, suppress status messages. Messages are only sent to the log file.
Create only the schemas specified by the command. Do not transfer data. If specified with the --full option, gptransfer replicates the complete database
schema, including all tables, views, user defined types (UDT), and user defined functions (UDF) for the source databases. No data is transferred.
If you specify tables with the -t or -f option with --schema-only, gptransfer creates only the tables. No data is transferred. Not valid with the --truncate option.
Specify this option to skip copying a table from the source database if the table already exists in the destination database.
At most, only one of the options can be specified --skip-existing, --truncate, or --drop. If one of them is not specified and the table exists in the destination system, gptransfer returns an error and quits. Not valid with the --full option.
Source Greenplum Database host name or IP address. If not specified, the default host is the system running gptransfer (
File that lists source segment host name and IP addresses. If the file is missing or not all segment hosts are listed, gptransfer returns an error and quits.
Each line of the file contains a source host name and the host IP address separated by a comma: hostname,IPaddress. This example lists four Greenplum Database
hosts and their IP addresses.
This option is required if the --full option is specified or if the source Greenplum Database system is different than the destination system. This option is not required
if source and destination systems are the same.
Source Greenplum Database port number. If not specified, the default is 5432.
User ID that is used to connect to the source Greenplum Database system. If not specified, the default is the user gpadmin.
Specifies the maximum degree of parallelism of the operations performed when migrating a table such as starting gpfdist instances, creating named pipes for the
move operations. If not specified, the default is 25. The maximum is 100. Specify the --batch-size option to control the maximum number of tables that
gptransfer concurrently processes.
-t db.schema.table
A table from the source database system to copy. The fully qualified table name must be specified, for example -t sales.public.clients. Wildcard characters
are not supported. If the destination table or database does not exist, it is created. This option can be specified multiple times to include multiple tables. Only the table and table data are copied. Dependent objects are not copied. If the source table does not exist, gptransfer returns an error and quits.Not valid with the --full option.
--timeout seconds
Specify the time out value in seconds that gptransfer passes the gpfdist processes that gptransfer uses. The value is the time allowed for Greenplum
Database to establish a connection to a gpfdist process. You might need to increase this value when operating on high-traffic networks.
The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The minimum value is 2 seconds, the maximum value is 600 seconds.
Specify this option to truncate the table that is in the destination database if it already exists. At most, only one of the options can be specified --skip-existing, --truncate, or --drop. If one of them is not specified and the table exists in the destination system, gptransfer returns an error and quits. Not valid with the --full option.
Perform data validation on table data. These are the supported types of validation. count - Specify this value to compare row counts between source and destination
table data. MD5 - Specify this value to compare MD5 values between source and destination table data. If validation for a table fails, gpfidist displays the name of the table and writes the file name to the text file failed_migrated_tables_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt. The yyyymmdd_hhmmss is a time stamp when the gptransfer process was started. The file is created in the directory were gptransfer is executed.
Note: The file contains the table names were validation failed or other errors occurred during table migration.
-v |--verbose
If specified, sets the logging level to verbose. Additional log information is written to the log file and the command line during command execution.
Specify the directory that gptransfer uses to store temporary working files such as PID files and named pipes. The default directory is the user’s home directory.
Source and destination systems must be able to access the gptransfer work directory.
Acquire an exclusive lock on tables during the migration to prevent insert or updates.
On the source database, an exclusive lock is acquired when gptransfer inserts into the external table and is released after validation. On the destination database, an exclusive lock is acquired when gptransfer selects from external table and released after validation.
Note: If -x option is not specified and --validate is specified, validation failures occur if data is inserted into either the source or destination table during the
migration process. The gptransfer utility displays messages if validation errors occur.
-h | -? | --help
Displays the online help.
Displays the version of this utility.
This command copies the table public.t1 from the database db1 and all tables in the database db2 to the system mytest2.
gptransfer -t db1.public.t1 -d db2 --dest-host=mytest2 --source-map-file=gp-source-hosts --truncate
If the databases db1 and db2 do not exist on the system mytest2, they are created. If any of the source tables exist on the destination system, gptransfer truncates the table and copies the data from the source to the destination table.
See Also
See the Greenplum Database Database Administrator Guide for information about
loading and unloading data.