What's New in Greenplum DCA V2

What’s New: DCA V2 Essentials

Higher Database Performance

Ÿ 66% Scan Rate Increase

Ÿ 60% Load Rate Increase

Ÿ 70% - 140% Concurrency Improvement

Increased Availability

Ÿ No Single Points of Failure

Ÿ Hot Spare Disks

All New Network Switching

Ÿ Upgraded Switching

Ÿ Add Racks Without Reconfiguration


Expanded Hadoop Options 

Ÿ New Pivotal HD Compute Module –

 Compute only, for use with Isilon HDFS

Ÿ Pure Hadoop Appliances

Greater Flexibility

Ÿ Multiple Module Form Factors – 2U and 8U

Ÿ Multiple DIAs Planned

Broader Partner Integration Platforms

Ÿ Lower cost DIA for ETL, Chorus, etc.

Ÿ Large RAM and Large Storage DIAs coming

New SAS Acceleration Options

Ÿ SAS Visual Analytics

Ÿ SAS Grid 

Certified with Isilon Scale-Out NAS

Ÿ Easier DR and HA for Hadoop HDFS

Ÿ Clustered Files for SAS Grid

Enhanced DCA Software: V2 Features

Upgraded to RedHat 6.2 

Ÿ Enhanced performance via OS tuning

Ÿ Faster provision and cloning

Ÿ Install from USB stick 

Streamlined DCA Setup

Ÿ Simplified DCA setup menu

Ÿ Streamlined system initialization

Ÿ Easier network initiation

Ÿ Streamlined VLAN setup

Default DCA security mode

Ÿ Limited RHEL 6 modules tightens security

Ÿ Simpler and modular security choices

New Hadoop support

Ÿ Preconfigured PHD modules

Foundation for future features

DCA V2 Edition Hardware Changes

Redesigned DCA 

Ÿ New Arista Switches for Interconnect &


Upgraded Modules

Ÿ DB and HD Modules with more cores, RAM,


Ÿ Auto recovery using hot spares & RAID


Ÿ Smaller Lower Cost DIA

Network Fault Tolerance

Ÿ Bonded Ethernet for Automatic Failover *

Ÿ Transparent to Applications 

Default DCA Security Mode

Ÿ Simpler and modular security choices 

New Hadoop Support

Ÿ Pre-configuration for PHD 

Upgraded Host / Master Nodes

Ÿ More cores, RAM and Disks