GemFire XD
Pivotal GemFire is a distributed data management platform. Pivotal GemFire is designed for many diverse data management situations, but is especially useful for high-volume, latency-sensitive, mission-critical, transactional systems.
Download and Install GemFire XD
Download GemFire XD from pivotal download.
[09:21 sachi@sachi ~] > gunzip Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux.tar.gz
[09:21 sachi@sachi ~] > tar -xvf Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux.tar
[09:21 sachi@sachi ~] > tls -ltr
drwxrwxr-x. 9 sachi sachi 4096 Sep 26 09:27 Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux
drwxrwxrwx. 15 sachi sachi 53248 Sep 26 09:28 Downloads
[09:28 sachi@sachi ~] > export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux/bin
[09:29 sachi@sachi ~] > mkdir locator1 server1 server2
mkdir: created directory `locator1'
mkdir: created directory `server1'
mkdir: created directory `server2'
[09:30 sachi@sachi ~] > gfxd locator start -peer-discovery-address=localhost -dir=locator1 -jmx-manager-start=true -jmx-manager-http-port=7075
Starting GemFireXD Locator using peer discovery on: localhost[10334]
Starting network server for GemFireXD Locator at address localhost/[1527]
Logs generated in /home/sachi/locator1/gfxdlocator.log
GemFireXD Locator pid: 4305 status: running
[09:31 sachi@sachi ~] >
This command starts a default locator that accepts connections on the localhost address. The default port of 10334 is used for communication with other members of the distributed system. (You can double-check that this port is used by examining the locator1/gfxdlocator.log file.) All new members of the distributed system must specify this locator's address and peer discovery port, localhost[10334], in order to join the system.
The default port of 1527 is used for client connections to the distributed system.
Specifying -jmx-manager-start=true starts an embedded JMX Manager within the locator. By starting a JMX Manager, you can monitor and browse the GemFire XD distributed system through the Pulse graphical interface.
Start the Pulse monitoring tool by opening a browser and entering the following URL:
At the Pulse login screen, type in the default username admin and password admin. Keep on checking the Pulse tool for corresponding changes as you perform the activities in this quickstart.
Start both servers:
$ gfxd server start -locators=localhost[10334] -bind-address=localhost -client-port=1528 -dir=server1
Starting GemFireXD Server using locators for peer discovery: localhost[10334]
Starting network server for GemFireXD Server at address localhost/[1528]
GemFireXD Server pid: 8897 status: running
Logs generated in /home/yozie/Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux/quickstart/server1/gfxdserver.log
$ gfxd server start -locators=localhost[10334] -bind-address=localhost -client-port=1529 -dir=server2
Starting GemFireXD Server using locators for peer discovery: localhost[10334]
Starting network server for GemFireXD Server at address localhost/[1529]
GemFireXD Server pid: 9003 status: running
Logs generated in /home/yozie/Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux/quickstart/server2/gfxdserver.log
[09:51 sachi@sachi ~] > cd Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux
[09:51 sachi@sachi Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux] > ls
bin docs EULA.txt examples ext-lib lib quickstart tools
[09:51 sachi@sachi Pivotal_GemFireXD_130_b48613_Linux] > cd quickstart/
[09:51 sachi@sachi quickstart] > ls
create_colocated_schema.sql loadAIRLINES.sql loadFLIGHTAVAILABILITY1.sql loadFLIGHTS2.sql ToursDB_schema.sql
create_persistent_schema.sql loadCITIES.sql loadFLIGHTAVAILABILITY2.sql loadTables.sql
disconnect.sql loadCOUNTRIES.sql loadFLIGHTS1.sql toursdb_readme.html
[09:51 sachi@sachi quickstart] >
[09:51 sachi@sachi quickstart] > gfxd
gfxd version 1.3.0