Greenplum Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameter Categories

There are many configuration parameters that affect the behavior of a Greenplum Database system. This section explains the general categories of configuration parameters. See “Server Configuration Parameters” on page 852 to see the details of particular parameters.

Connection and Authentication Parameters

These parameters control how clients connect and authenticate to Greenplum Database. See also, “Configuring Client Authentication” on page 41.

Connection Parameters












Security and Authentication Parameters









System Resource Consumption Parameters

Memory Consumption Parameters

These parameters control system memory usage. You can adjust gp_vmem_protect_limit to avoid running out of memory at the segment hosts during query processing.









Free Space Map Parameters

These parameters control the sizing of the free space map where expired rows are held. Disk space in the free space map is reclaimed by a VACUUM command. 



OS Resource Parameters



Cost-Based Vacuum Delay Parameters

Standard PostgreSQL has a number of parameters for configuring the execution cost of VACUUM and ANALYZE commands. The intent of this feature is to allow administrators to reduce the I/O impact of these commands on concurrent database activity. When the accumulated cost of the various I/O operations reaches the limit, the process performing the operation will sleep for a while. Then it will reset the counter and continue execution.

Warning: Cost-based vacuum delay is not recommended in Greenplum Database because it runs asynchronously between the segment instances. The vacuum cost limit and delay is invoked locally at the segment level without taking into account the state of the entire Greenplum array.






Query Tuning Parameters

Query Plan Operator Control Parameters

The following parameters control the types of plan operations the query planner has to choose from. Enabling or disabling certain plan operations is a way to force the planner to choose a different plan. These can be useful in testing a query using different plan types to see which plan offers the best performance.

























Query Planner Costing Parameters

Warning: Greenplum recommends that you do not adjust these query costing parameters. They have already been tuned to reflect Greenplum Database hardware configurations and typical workloads. All of these parameters are related. Changing one without changing the others can have adverse affects on performance.










Database Statistics Sampling Parameters

These parameters adjust the amount of data sampled by an ANALYZE operation. Adjusting these parameters will affect statistics collection system-wide. You can also configure statistics collection on particular tables and columns by using the ALTER TABLE SET STATISTICS clause.



Sort Operator Configuration Parameters



Aggregate Operator Configuration Parameters








Join Operator Configuration Parameters






Other Query Planner Configuration Parameters




Error Reporting and Logging Parameters






When to Log






What to Log























System Monitoring Parameters

SNMP Alerts

The following parameters are used to send SNMP notifications when events occur on a Greenplum Database system.




Email Alerts

The following parameters are used to configure the system to send email alerts for fatal error events, such as a segment going down or a server crash and reset.






Greenplum Command Center Agent

The following parameters are used to configure the data collection agents for Greenplum Command Center.




Runtime Statistics Collection Parameters

These parameters control the PostgreSQL server statistics collection feature. When statistics collection is enabled, the data that is produced can be accessed via the pg_stat and pg_statio family of system catalog views.





Automatic Statistics Collection Parameters

When automatic statistics collection is enabled, ANALYZE can be run automatically in the same transaction as an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, COPY or CREATE TABLE...AS SELECT statement when a certain threshold of rows is affected (on_change), or when a newly generated table has no statistics (on_no_stats). To enable this feature, set the following server configuration parameters in your Greenplum master postgresql.conf file and restart Greenplum Database:



Warning: Depending on the specific nature of your database operations, automatic statistics collection may have a negative performance impact. Carefully evaluate whether the default setting of on_no_stats is appropriate for your system.

Client Connection Default Parameters

Statement Behavior Parameters








Locale and Formatting Parameters












Other Client Default Parameters




Lock Management Parameters



Workload Management Parameters

The following configuration parameters are used to configure the Greenplum Database workload management feature (resource queues), query prioritization, memory utilization and concurrency control.












External Table Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the external tables feature of Greenplum Database. See “About External Tables” on page 149.





Append-Only Table Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the append-only tables feature of Greenplum Database. See “Choosing the Table Storage Model” on page 81 for more information about append-only tables.


Database and Tablespace/Filespace Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the maximum number of databases, tablespaces, and filespaces allowed in a system.




Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters

The following parameters are for compatibility with older PostgreSQL versions. Most likely, you do not need to change these in Greenplum Database.








Greenplum Array Configuration Parameters

The parameters in this section control the configuration of the Greenplum Database array and its various components (segments, master, distributed transaction manager, and interconnect).

Interconnect Configuration Parameters






Dispatch Configuration Parameters






Fault Operation Parameters




Distributed Transaction Management Parameters


Read-Only Parameters








Sample postgresql.conf file from Greenplum SNE .


# -----------------------------

# PostgreSQL configuration file

# -----------------------------


# This file consists of lines of the form:


#   name = value


# (The "=" is optional.)  Whitespace may be used.  Comments are introduced with

# "#" anywhere on a line.  The complete list of parameter names and allowed

# values can be found in the PostgreSQL documentation.


# The commented-out settings shown in this file represent the default values.

# Re-commenting a setting is NOT sufficient to revert it to the default value;

# you need to reload the server.


# This file is read on server startup and when the server receives a SIGHUP

# signal.  If you edit the file on a running system, you have to SIGHUP the

# server for the changes to take effect, or use "pg_ctl reload".  Some

# parameters, which are marked below, require a server shutdown and restart to

# take effect.


# Any parameter can also be given as a command-line option to the server, e.g.,

# "postgres -c log_connections=on".  Some parameters can be changed at run time

# with the "SET" SQL command.


# Memory units:  kB = kilobytes        Time units:  ms  = milliseconds

#                MB = megabytes                     s   = seconds

#                GB = gigabytes                     min = minutes

#                                                   h   = hours

#                                                   d   = days




# - Connection Settings -

#listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;

# comma-separated list of addresses;

# defaults to '*', '*' = all

# (change requires restart)

port=5432 ##port = 5432 # sets the database listener port for 

      # a Greenplum instance. The master and 

# each segment has its own port number. 

# note: Port numbers for the Greenplum system must also be changed in the

# gp_configuration catalog. See the Greenplum Database Administrator Guide 

# for instructions!




max_connections = 250 # inserted by initdb

#max_connections = 200

# note: increasing max_connections costs ~400 bytes of shared memory per

# connection slot, plus lock space (see max_locks_per_transaction).  You

# might also need to raise shared_buffers to support more connections.

#superuser_reserved_connections = 3 # (change requires restart)

#unix_socket_directory = '' # (change requires restart)

#unix_socket_group = '' # (change requires restart)

#unix_socket_permissions = 0777 # begin with 0 to use octal notation

# (change requires restart)

#bonjour_name = '' # defaults to the computer name

# (change requires restart)

# - Security and Authentication -

#authentication_timeout = 1min # 1s-600s

#ssl = off # (change requires restart)

#ssl_ciphers = 'ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH' # allowed SSL ciphers

# (change requires restart)

#password_encryption = on

#db_user_namespace = off

# Kerberos and GSSAPI

#krb_server_keyfile = ''

#krb_srvname = 'postgres' # (Kerberos only)

#krb_caseins_users = off

# - TCP Keepalives -

# see "man 7 tcp" for details

#tcp_keepalives_idle = 0 # TCP_KEEPIDLE, in seconds;

# 0 selects the system default

#tcp_keepalives_interval = 0 # TCP_KEEPINTVL, in seconds;

# 0 selects the system default

#tcp_keepalives_count = 0 # TCP_KEEPCNT;

# 0 selects the system default




# - Memory -

shared_buffers = 125MB # inserted by initdb

#shared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kB or max_connections*16kB

# (change requires restart)

#temp_buffers = 8MB # min 800kB

max_prepared_transactions = 250 # can be 0 or more

# (change requires restart)

# Note: increasing max_prepared_transactions costs ~600 bytes of shared memory

# per transaction slot, plus lock space (see max_locks_per_transaction).

#work_mem = 32MB # min 64kB

#maintenance_work_mem = 64MB # min 1MB

#max_stack_depth = 2MB # min 100kB

# - Free Space Map -

max_fsm_pages = 200000 # inserted by initdb

#max_fsm_pages = 1638400 # min max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each

# (change requires restart)

#max_fsm_relations = 1000 # min 100, ~70 bytes each

# (change requires restart)

# - Kernel Resource Usage -

#max_files_per_process = 1000 # min 25

# (change requires restart)

#shared_preload_libraries = '' # (change requires restart)

# - Cost-Based Vacuum Delay -

#vacuum_cost_delay = 0ms # 0-100 milliseconds

#vacuum_cost_page_hit = 1 # 0-10000 credits

#vacuum_cost_page_miss = 10 # 0-10000 credits

#vacuum_cost_page_dirty = 20 # 0-10000 credits

#vacuum_cost_limit = 200 # 1-10000 credits




# - Planner Method Configuration -

#enable_bitmapscan = on

#enable_indexscan = on

#enable_seqscan = on

#enable_tidscan = on

#enable_hashjoin = on

#enable_mergejoin = off

#enable_nestloop = off

#gp_enable_adaptive_nestloop = on

#gp_enable_multiphase_agg = on

#gp_enable_preunique = on

#gp_enable_agg_distinct = on

#gp_enable_agg_distinct_pruning = on

#enable_groupagg = on

#enable_hashagg = on

#gp_selectivity_damping_for_scans = on

#gp_selectivity_damping_for_joins = off

#gp_enable_sequential_window_plans = off

#enable_sort = on

#gp_enable_sort_limit = on

#gp_enable_sort_distinct = on

# - Planner Cost Constants -

#seq_page_cost = 1.0 # measured on an arbitrary scale

#random_page_cost = 100 # same scale as above

#cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01 # same scale as above

#cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.005 # same scale as above

#cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025 # same scale as above

#gp_motion_cost_per_row = 0.0  # (same) (if 0, 2*cpu_tuple_cost is used)

#effective_cache_size = 4MB

# - Other Planner Options -

#from_collapse_limit = 8

#join_collapse_limit = 8 # 1 disables collapsing of explicit


#gp_segments_for_planner = 0     # if 0, actual number of segments is used

#gp_enable_direct_dispatch = on




# - Set gp_reraise_signal to on to generate core files on SIGSEGV

#gp_reraise_signal = off

# - Where to Log -

#log_truncate_on_rotation = off # If on, an existing log file of the

# same name as the new log file will be

# truncated rather than appended to.

# But such truncation only occurs on

# time-driven rotation, not on restarts

# or size-driven rotation.  Default is

# off, meaning append to existing files

# in all cases.

#log_rotation_age = 1d # Automatic rotation of logfiles will

# happen after that time.  0 disables.

#log_rotation_size = 10MB # Automatic rotation of logfiles will 

# happen after that much log output.

# 0 disables.

# - When to Log -

#client_min_messages = notice # values in order of decreasing detail:

#   debug5

#   debug4

#   debug3

#   debug2

#   debug1

#   log

#   notice

#   warning

#   error

#log_min_messages = warning # Values in order of decreasing detail:

#   debug5

#   debug4

#   debug3

#   debug2

#   debug1

#   info

#   notice

#   warning

#   error

#   log

#   fatal

#   panic

#log_error_verbosity = default # terse, default, or verbose messages

#log_min_error_statement = error # values in order of decreasing detail:

#   debug5

#   debug4

#   debug3

#   debug2

#   debug1

#   info

#   notice

#   warning

#   error

#   log

#   fatal

#   panic (effectively off)

#log_min_duration_statement = -1 # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements

# and their durations, > 0 logs only

# statements running at least this number

# of milliseconds

# - What to Log -

#debug_print_parse = off

#debug_print_rewritten = off

#debug_print_prelim_plan = off

#debug_print_slice_table = off

#debug_print_plan = off

#debug_pretty_print = off

log_connections = on

log_disconnections = on

#log_duration = off

#log_hostname = off

#log_statement = 'none' # none, mod, ddl, all

#log_timezone = unknown # actually, defaults to TZ environment

# setting




#pljava_classpath = ''                      # ':' separated list of installed jar files

#pljava_vmoptions = ''                      # Options sent to the JVM on startup

#pljava_statement_cache_size = 0            # Size of the prepared statement MRU cache

#pljava_release_lingering_savepoints = off  # on/off to release/abort lingering savepoints




#gp_enable_gpperfmon=on # Enable the performance monitor

#gpperfmon_port=8888 # Port used the the performance monitor daemons




# Configure the DNS name of the SMTP server you want to use,

# the port it runs on (which will be either 25 or 587), and

# the SASL authentication information used to connect to it.

#gp_email_smtp_server = 'localhost:25'      # SMTP server hostname and port (don't forget the port!)

#gp_email_smtp_userid = '' # Userid used to authenticate with SMTP server, if needed

#gp_email_smtp_password = '' # Password/Passphrase used to authenticate with SMTP server, if needed

# Here you need to specify e-mail addresses.  The email_from address doesn't actually need 

# to be a valid e-mail address, but it is much better if it is, because delivery failure notifications

# go to that address.  The email_to is a list of recipients who will get the alerts.


# The e-mail addresses need to be in the form of, not just userid.

# If email_to list is empty, it disables e-mail alerts.


# e-mail addresses can be just the actual e-mail address,, or can be a

# human readable name with attached e-mail address in the form 'Joe Smith <>".

# If using the latter format, the e-mail address must be between '<' and '>'.  The first part of

# the string can be any text, and if used for the gp_email_from address, can help differentiate the e-mails

# from different servers (for example:  'my test GPDB system <>").

#gp_email_from = '' # Who do we say the e-mails are from?  and who is the return-path?

#gp_email_to = '' # Semicolon separated list of recipients that will get e-mail alerts.

# empty means disable e-mail alerts.




# Configure the gp_snmp_monitor_address to be the system your SNMP monitor runs on, or a proxy

# that will relay the message to the SNMP monitor.  You can specify transport, DNS name, and port:

# [<transport-specifier>:]<transport-address>[:port]


# where <transport-specifier> can be 'udp', 'tcp', 'udpv6', 'tcpv6', or 'unix' for unix domain sockets (optional).

# For udp or tcp, the port is typically 162. 

# For a SNMP monitor running locally, you might use 'localhost:162', but more typically

# the SNMP monitor is running on some other machine.

# You can send to multiple network monitors by using a comma separated list of addresses.


# if gp_snmp_peername is empty, snmp alerts are disabled.

#gp_snmp_monitor_address = ''     # name or IP address(es) (and optionally the port) of the SNMP monitor(s) that will receive the alerts.

#gp_snmp_community = 'public' # Change to whatever community string you use in your monitor

#gp_snmp_use_inform_or_trap = 'trap'    # Set to 'inform' or 'trap', we will send SNMP v2c inform, or SNMP v2c trap.


# EMC Connect


#gp_connectemc_mode = 'on' # 'on' will send EMC Connect events and store locally, 

# 'local' will store events locally, 

# 'off' will not store or send events




# - ANALYZE Statistics on Database Contents -

#default_statistics_target = 25 # range 1 - 1000 (target # of

# histogram bins)

#gp_analyze_relative_error = 0.25 # range 0.0 - 1.0 (target relative

# error fraction)

# - Query/Index Statistics Collector -

#track_activities = on

#track_counts = off

#update_process_title = on

#stats_queue_level = off

# - Statistics Monitoring -

#log_parser_stats = off

#log_planner_stats = off

#log_executor_stats = off

#log_statement_stats = off

gp_autostats_mode=on_no_stats # none, on_no_stats, on_change. see documentation for semantics.

gp_autostats_on_change_threshold=2147483647 # [0..INT_MAX]. see documentation for semantics.

log_autostats=off # print additional autostats information




# - Statement Behavior -

#search_path = '"$user",public' # schema names

#default_tablespace = '' # a tablespace name, '' uses the default

#check_function_bodies = on

#default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed'

#default_transaction_read_only = off

#statement_timeout = 0 # in milliseconds, 0 is disabled

#idle_session_gang_timeout = 18s # in milliseconds, 0 is disabled

#vacuum_freeze_min_age = 100000000

# - Locale and Formatting -

datestyle = 'iso, mdy' # inserted by initdb

#datestyle = 'iso, mdy'

#intervalstyle = 'postgres'

#timezone = unknown # actually, defaults to TZ environment

# setting

#timezone_abbreviations = 'Default'     # Select the set of available time zone

# abbreviations. Currently, there are

#   Default

#   Australia

#   India

# You can create your own file in

# share/timezonesets/.

#extra_float_digits = 0 # min -15, max 2

#client_encoding = sql_ascii # actually, defaults to database

# encoding

# These settings are initialized by initdb, but they can be changed.

lc_messages = 'en_US.utf8' # inserted by initdb

#lc_messages = 'C' # locale for system error message

# strings

lc_monetary = 'en_US.utf8' # inserted by initdb

#lc_monetary = 'C' # locale for monetary formatting

lc_numeric = 'en_US.utf8' # inserted by initdb

#lc_numeric = 'C' # locale for number formatting

lc_time = 'en_US.utf8' # inserted by initdb

#lc_time = 'C' # locale for time formatting

# - Other Defaults -

#dynamic_library_path = '$libdir'

#explain_pretty_print = on

#local_preload_libraries = ''




#deadlock_timeout = 1s

#max_locks_per_transaction = 128 # min 10

# (change requires restart)

# Note:  Each lock table slot uses ~270 bytes of shared memory, and there are

# max_locks_per_transaction * (max_connections + max_prepared_transactions)

# lock table slots.




#max_resource_queues = 9 # no. of resource queues to create.

#max_resource_portals_per_transaction = 64 # no. of portals per backend.

#resource_select_only = on # resource lock SELECT queries only.

#resource_cleanup_gangs_on_wait = on # Cleanup idle reader gangs before

# resource lockwait.

gp_resqueue_memory_policy = 'eager_free' # memory request based queueing. 

# eager_free, auto or none




gp_external_enable_exec = on   # enable external tables with EXECUTE.

gp_external_grant_privileges = off #enable create http/gpfdist for non su's




#gp_safefswritesize = 0   # minimum size for safe AO writes in a non-mature fs

max_appendonly_tables = 10000 # Maximum number of append only tables that can 

 # participate in writing data concurrently.




# - Previous PostgreSQL Versions -

#add_missing_from = off

#array_nulls = on

#backslash_quote = safe_encoding # on, off, or safe_encoding

#escape_string_warning = on

#regex_flavor = advanced # advanced, extended, or basic

#standard_conforming_strings = off

# - Other Platforms and Clients -

#transform_null_equals = off







# - Interconnect -

#gp_max_packet_size = 8192


# - Worker Process Creation -

gp_connections_per_thread = 64

gp_segment_connect_timeout = 600s

#gp_enable_delete_as_truncate = off

# - Resource limits -

gp_vmem_protect_limit = 8192  #Virtual memory limit (in MB).

#gp_vmem_idle_resource_timeout = 18000 # idle-time before gang-release, in milliseconds (zero disables release).




#custom_variable_classes = '' # list of custom variable class names

gp_backup_directIO = off # enable\disable dump with direct IO

gp_backup_directIO_read_chunk_mb = 20 # Size of read Chunk buffer in directIO dump (in MB)

#Greenplum specific configuration parameters for Master instance database


